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Chapter 21: Roomie

Macy's POV

Placing up all of my posters in my room, I step back to study my handy work. At least I got something done. A few minutes of fixing my new room up until everything is in proper order, Harry walks in.

"How's everything coming along?" he asks, examining my room with a careful eye.

"Pretty well," I respond, tucking my dark hair behind my ear. "Is there anything I can do to, I don't know, not disrupt Harry time?"

Harry chuckles, wrapping his arm around my waist and nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. "There is absolutely no way you'd ever bother me, but I came up here to see if you wanted to watch a cartoon with me. It's called The Little Mermaid and it looked quite promising," he opens up the case, exposing a children's movie. "Want to watch?"

I nod, following him downstairs. Plopping down into the couch, Hacy jumps into my lap and purrs in my ear. I giggle at the action and watch him place the movie disk in before going to the kitchen. He pulls out a popcorn bag and puts it inside of the microwave. It spins around in a circle, creating popping noises as it goes from crenels to popcorn instantly.

Harry puts the popcorn into a red bowl, and walks towards me and hands it over. I take it with a gracious nod and begin chowing down. Harry plops down beside me, wrapping his arm across my shoulders. "Well I'm excited." The movie starts up and Harry lets out a little squeal. "I'm excited, are you?" he says in jittery motions.

I laugh, nodding. "Yes Harry, yes. Calm down."

He takes a deep breath then looks to the screen. He shovels popcorn into his mouth, causing crumbs to get stuck into his curly long locks. "Oh my gosh!" Harry shakes my shoulders as the movie begins. "Gahhh! I've been waiting all day."

A few minutes into the movie Harry notices my lack of interest, and grabs the back of my neck, forcing me to look. "Watch! It's getting to a good part." Harry puts popcorn into my mouth and makes me chew. He pats my head before standing up, causing popcorn bits to fall onto the rug. "Look at this stuff isn't it neat, wouldn't you think my popcorns complete," he throws popcorn on me for emphasis. "wouldn't you think that a boy, a boy that has everything... I've got glasses and a girlfriend with titties..." he winks at me. "I've got a kitten and curly hair galore. You want a ding dong?" He motions to his pants. "I have an ape size! But who cares? No big deal. No Macy to hug it..."

"STOP!" I shriek out, throwing a pillow at his face.

He giggles, grabbing a fork. "I'm Ariel from The Little Mermaid." The movie plays for another hour before it's finally over. "That was one awesome cartoon, huh?" Harry stands to his feet, stretching. "My favorite was Chef Louis. His eyes were so pretty."

"Gay," I say under my breath.

He stares at me angrily. "Nu-huh."

"You guys' ship name is Larry," I laugh uncontrollably and Harry fumes with anger.

"Yea whatever," he was spittin' mad. He runs up the stairs.

Sitting silently and pretty awkwardly, I stand to my feet. I didn't really mean he was gay. Walking up the stairs cautiously, I open the door to see and hear Harry crying. My heart aches in my chest and I slowly approach him. I was a terrible person. Harry looks up at me, green eyes glassy and wet tracks were on his polished skin. Sitting down on the bed he turns away.

Putting my hand on his back, he chokes up hiccups of sadness. "Harry," I say miserably. "I didn't mean it. Hacy forever, right?" I whisper, putting my lips on the shell of his ear. "You aren't gay. You- You had a wet dream about me yesterday, so you clearly aren't."

He lets out a choked sob, turning to meet my gaze. "It's just..." he bites his bottom lip, lips red. "When I was younger I had a best friend named Louis. We did everything together. And then these weird girls started shipping us and gave us that same ship name," he croaks out. "They called me gay for years. They put food in my hair. At that time I was living alone because, again, Logan talked his dad into leaving me." He shivers. "I had never felt so alone. Then you moved here."

I pat his back. "So you aren't crying over your friend?"

He laughs. "No. I hated Louis. I'm pretty sure he actually was gay."


"Anyways, I was sad because it reminded me of those years of desperation where it felt like an endless loop of going to school and being bullied. I may not be Christian, like you, but I know that God doesn't think they are good and I don't support them." He gives me a wobbly smile. "With that said, I was never rude to Louis although now that I think back, he lost his virginity before me."

My eyes widen at what he said. "You're not... You're not a virgin?"

Harry's eyes widen in shock. "Macy-"

I stand to my feet, yanking my arm away from him. "You lied to me! Who was it with! Actually, you know what? Keep it to yourself!" I grab some clothes in a rush to leave. "I hate you Harry Edward Styles!"

"Macy please!" Harry's eyes are desperate.

I rush down the stairs with Harry hot on my tail. I turn around, giving him an angered look. "You are the most horrible person on this Earth! Maybe your dad and Logan was right about giving you up! You're just a nescience to this world! We're over Harry!"

Harry's eyes feel with hurt at my choice of words. Thinking about apologizing, Harrys tense body relaxes. "If-If that's what you want."

I give him a sour look. "Oh it is." Then I slam the door. When doing so, the tears erupt. Trying to gain composure, I don't even give Harry's house a second look. I have a future to deal with. I didn't need Harry. Scrolling through my contacts, Ian's name comes up. He'd help me. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hey Ian."

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Question: How do you feel about Harry's bullying past?

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