Tasks Two and Three

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Kaeden's POV

    I approached the training room slowly, the vials in my hand shaking. I slipped the dagger in my pocket so it wouldn't get in the way. While I had been with Brooke, Tanner and Alex could've been planning on what they would do to me once I came back. I heard whispering coming from inside the training room, although it would've had to been louder than a whisper for me to hear it.

    "I say we should just kill her," Alex says.

    "No. We won't kill her. I will," Tanner replies in an annoyed tone, they were probably arguing about this the whole time. "As I told you the first fifty times."

    "But I've hated her for longer! I deserve to get revenge on her, Tanner! I mean, she freaking slammed me into a wall the other day!" She shouts, and I cringe at the memory.

    Tanner sighs. "I know. I just... I have this feeling that I should kill her. Like I'm meant to. Does that make any sense to you at all?"


    "I thought not," There was a little bit of amusement in his voice. I silently slipped inside the room, but the door slammed shut, causing them both to whip their heads at me in surprise.

    "Kaeden," Alex hisses, then transforms into her Animal form, lunging at me. I barely managed to evade her attack, rolling on the hard floor. I heard a snarl and saw Alex crouching not even five feet away. She jumps, and I take that slight opening to use the potion. I chuck it at her, and it makes contact with her forehead. She passes     out in mid-air, falling on me in an unconscious lump. I shove her off of me and back away, half expecting her to wake up. But she doesn't.

    Something sharp hit me from the left, sending me to the ground. I grasped my side, which was already slick with blood. Pain was radiating from the wound, making it hard to focus. I had completely forgotten about Tanner. He was in his dragon form, looming over me.

"Tanner! Stop it!! This isn't you!" I shouted, and he swung his tail again, but I dodged it. The spikes missed by mere centimeters. I stared into the black pits of his eyes, but he broke eye contact and raised his tail once more. In mid-swing, I threw the last vial at him, watching as it slams into his scaly face. He shakes his head as if in a daze before collapsing to the floor. I ran up to him, taking the dagger out of my pocket. I quickly removed one of the smooth scales from his side, then ran out of the training room and towards Brooke's office.

"Nice," She took the scale from me and put it in a ziplock bag. "And gross.."

"Two down, one to go," I say triumphantly.

"Yep. But you have to hurry, you only have hours remaining," Brooke points to the window, which I could see that the sun is nearing the horizon.

"Already?!" I exclaimed, then winced in pain.

Brooke worriedly looked at the wound on my side. "What happened??"

"Oh, I was attacked by Tanner, but it's not that bad. Hopefully the Master Witches heal me when I get my powers back," I say. I then exited the office and left the Lair, running. I looked around the Lair, in the woods behind the Lair, and almost everywhere else close by. Tristan was nowhere to be found. I sat down on a boulder, near tears. It's been hours and I still couldn't find him. I was so close to getting my powers back, and now that chance is ruined. And I put myself here by resurrecting Tristan. I know that I was just trying to help, but all it did was ruin my life.

"Hi Kaeden," A voice calls from above the cave. I looked up to see Tristan standing there, smirking. "Looking for me?"

I glared at him angrily. "Were you there the entire time?"

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