Chapter Fourteen: Tristan

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"Ouch." I muttered, rubbing my forehead because Brooke made me run into a tree a few minutes ago. I then walked into the Witch's lair for no reason.

"TRISTAN!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Alex shouted from behind me and I turned around. She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Uh, hi Alex." I said, then she pulled away.

"I missed you so much. How long were you alive?" She asked.

"Ever since Kaeden resurrected me. When Brooke snapped her fingers, I teleported behind the Witch's lair. I've been hiding out there since." I explained.

"I don't know if Tanner would be happy, though. He didn't seem very upset when you left." Alex said sadly.

"Who would be upset about what?" Someone asked, then Tanner walked up beside Alex. Then he noticed me. "Hello Tristan." He said.

"Hi Tanner." I replied.

"I missed you." He says. Alex looked up at him, shock covering her face.

"But I thought you said that you didn't care about him." She told him. Tanner looked hurt.

"Seriously? I only said that just to make you upset about me killing him!" His voice cracked at the end, then he turned and ran away.

"I'm so sorry, Tristan. I'll go talk to him." She said apologetically, then followed Tanner.

"Tristan." A girl's voice said and I turned around, holding my hands up in surrender.

"Whatever you think I did, I didn't do it!" I exclaimed, then blushed when I realized that it was just Brooke. "Sorry, it's just a reaction." I told her.

"I just wanted to tell you that there's a girl who wants you outside." She says, then adds quietly: "That was weird." I walked outside and saw a girl with black hair and red highlights standing on top of the cave, where I usually stand. I climbed up and walked over to her.

"Who are you? Why do you look familiar? Why do you want me?" I asked.

"Whoa, too many questions. My name is Olivia and I'm a Werewolf. I just wanted to talk to you." She said.

"I'm Tristan and I'm a Shapeshifter." I say.

"Why do you hate the Werewolves?" She asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe we're just meant to be enemies, that's all." I answer.

"Well, some of us are innocent. Like me." Olivia says.

"Didn't you kill Sarah, though?" I doubted she was completely innocent. Her face turned red.

"Yeah, but-" She starts.

"So you're not innocent if you killed her." I interrupted.

"But Kaitlyn killed her also! You can't just assume things about people!" She shouts. "Why can't people from the Supernatural World ever fall in love?" She adds softly.

"What?" I ask, confused. Olivia blushed a deeper shade of red.

"N-nothing. I didn't say anything." She stammered.

"Do you like me? But I'm a Shapeshifter and you're a Werewolf. How would that work out?" I asked.

"I don't think it really matters what we are. You shouldn't care if I'm a Werewolf or not. I don't have to be a Shapeshifter to love you." She tells me.

"But what's to like about me? I'm not very attractive." I point out. She looks up at me and stares at my face.

"I think you are." Olivia says, then she leaned forward and kissed me.

Hey guys! Sorry this is a short chapter, but OMG!!! Olivia+Tristan!!! Plus they are dating in real life so, that's why I added it. Hope you enjoy the book so far!

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