Chapter 3.3: Fast Friends

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Sabin focused, hoping that the deadening of his arm was temporary. Sabin knew now why Turrent called him stupid. This guy was an Incomplete and something about his fingertips were dangerous. Nothing about this fight was fair.

Too bad for him he isn't the only one with skills.

Eyepatch started hooting then, cheering Hebi on. "You've got him now."

Hebi raised his arms and those snake tattoos slithered down his fingers. "They will never say I'm not generous. What will it be?"

"Neither," Sabin said confidently. "I won't die here."

That sent eyepatch into a laughing fit. "They never choose."

"You want your sword back, kid?" Turrent asked.

"No," Sabin said. "I have this under control. You said if I beat him, you'll join me, no questions asked, right?"

"Yeah, but you hardly seem to be in any shape to collect."

Sabin simply smiled.

"You're a cocky one, aren't you?" Hebi said, eyes narrowing. "I was going to give you quick and painless, but now you've gone and pissed me off."

Sabin waited for Hebi to come forward. Now!

He pulled on that force, regaining his bearings and he formed behind Hebi. He briefly caught the look of shock on Kaizoku's face before he spun and his roundhouse kick connected with Hebi's skull. The bald man twisted in place with the impact before falling to the dirt. He didn't move.

Kaizoku went from hysterical laughter to rage in mere moments. "You piece of Yuan trash."

"Not going to happen Kaizoku." Turrent leveled his crossbow and the man's face. "One more word and I'm your problem."

Kaizoku quieted. He grabbed his fellow and lifted him with a grunt. Before returning to the bar, he eyed the two of them angrily.

Sabin watched their retreating forms. After a few moments passed, he allowed himself to wince and grab his right arm. It throbbed relentlessly.

"Paralytic venom through his fingertips." Turrent slapped his hand on Sabin's ruined arm. "Hand forms because your opponent is unarmed? That was incredibly stupid."

"It wouldn't have been fair otherwise."

"Fair?" Turrent asked. "Fair will get you or someone you care about killed."

Sabin ignored the barb and motioned for Wade with his working arm. Turrent obliged.

Wade directed them to an inn, Turrent following behind Sabin, crossbow lowered very casually. As they entered, the innkeeper nodded upstairs, seemingly unfazed by Sabin and his crossbow wielding shadow.

Walking upstairs, he could hear Leena snoring. All that talk about danger and she's sound asleep? While I fought for my life.

"Your ears are as good as mine," Sabin told him, careful not to make any sudden moves with his right arm. "Meet us here tomorrow."

Turrent nodded, eyes taking his measure of Sabin. "Your arm will be fine in the morning. I'll get my things and prepare to travel. And hero."


"Don't fuck this up."

Sabin went into the room, lying in the empty bed next to Leena's. She mumbled something in her sleep, but Sabin ignored it. He wasn't sure how much sleep he would get, but he had to try.

🔥 The Path of Fire (Path of Light and Fire Book #1)(Completed) 🔥Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat