Chapter 13.1: Escape from Castle Acadia

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Sabin followed Sakima into the castle, Kianna and Alaina trailing close behind. They used the same hidden tunnels he used to get them out.

He had warned them before to follow his movements as closely as possible, for the tunnels were flush with false paths and traps, set to confuse and maim outsiders who might learn of their existence. They eventually entered a bedroom, which although clean had the smell of stale air.

As they cleared the armoire, Sakima pushed it back into place. A wrinkled servant bearing the livery of an Acadian servant stood, his entire body shaking.

"They made their move," the man cried.

Sakima placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "Calmness, Kota. Where?"

"The basement."

Sakima rushed down the hall, with Sabin and the others hustling behind.

A woman in a dark catsuit barreled through them.

"Stop!" Sakima ordered.

The woman continued her sprint. Sakima hesistated, then continued on his sprint.

Basement turned out to be the polite way of saying secret dungeon. As Sabin descended the stairs, two very recently murdered guards lay on each side of a sizable archway. Sakima's sword was on a woman's throat. A wounded man leaned on her shoulder, hands slick with blood.

"I don't have time for this," the woman said. "My friend is hurt."


"Those two men were loyal to me," Sakima said. "They played the long game, pretending fealty to the false king. Their deaths will not be forgotten. You will tell me who hired you."

Sabin placed his hand on Sakima's shoulder. "Stand down, they're with me."

Sakima pushed Sabin. "You dare to order me around?"

"You misunderstand the situation."

Sakima sneered. "Was this your plan? To lull me into a false sense of security."

"He's not one of them," a voice called from inside the basement.

Sakima paled and his sword clattered to the ground. "Father!"

Sabin picked up Sakima's sword, following the man inside. In the hallway a man's body lie on the floor, his neck twisted at an unnatural angle.

Sakima gripped the bars, knuckles white. "Father! Are you alright? Where is mother? I will get you out of here."

"Slow down, son," the voice said. "These two risked their lives to save me."

Leena shrugged. "Well, that's not quite true, but close enough."

Kianna grabbed Turrent's wound and her palms glowed. "This will hold you for now. You still need to rest or it will reopen."

Sakima bowed. "You have my thanks. Now I need to find the keys."

"My dear Cara, would you?" the prisoner asked.

"Of course, KoHeika." Leena pushed Sakima to the side. A couple of clicks later, the door opened and Sakima burst inside next to the man's side.

"How long have you been down here?" Sakima asked.

"A cycle, maybe more. I've lost track of time."

Sabin looked back to Alaina to see how she was handling it. Not well. She was hugging Kianna's hip with her eyes closed.

"They took us during the trip to Juxe," he said. "That's all I know. I don't know how they've turned the guards or where they took your mother."

Sabin folded his arms. "That makes no sense. You look just like the KoHeika I dined with."

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