Chapter 3

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"Caly." My mother smiled as she embraced me in a warm hug. "How was your week?"

"Good. Busy. Yours."

"Same." Gena Zilla, my mother, smiled withdrawing. Build wise, I was my mother all over. More top heavy than anywhere else. My mother had the same love for food. For this reason she'd raised me to love running. She said I'd thank her for it later, and with my appetite and love for feminine clothes, later had arrived.

In her late forties, my mother had aged well and was still beautiful enough to be a model. Her honey blond hair was short in a fifties bob, peridot eyes, and tastefully applied makeup to highlight her high cheekbones and perfect cupids bow. "I bought you something." Gena collected the large bag off the floor and handed it to me.

I smiled and sticky beaked inside. There were two shoe boxes, Sophia Webster and Louboutin. My smile was as big as they came. "Best mother ever!" I told her.

Gena smiled satisfied and took her seat at the table, watching me look at the tissue wrapped parcel. It was clothing, obviously, but I would wait till I got home to look at it. I took my seat and slipped the bag under the table with my handbag.

"So, the date?" Gena started opening the menu.

"You read the post." I dismissed opening my menu.

"Yes, but you always summarise for your posts and sometimes leave out any identifying details." Gena analysed without looking up at me. "Did he hurt you?"

"A few bruises. I hurt him worse."

Gena smiled. "As you should have. Your father would be very proud of you." Her smile changed. It morphed from true pleasure to the fake smile she presented to her colleagues. "Which brings me to our next item of conversation."

"No." I challenged. "Still on that disaster of a blind date. There was a holiday that needs to be discussed before we get railroaded." I reminded.

Gena lifted her eyes, closing her menu. "Of course. Do you know when you wish to travel?"

I closed my menu and retrieved a post it note from my hand bag, handing it across the table. "All the details. Dates to leave, when I need to be back by, and where I want to stay."

Gena's true smile returned. "Done." She took out her note book and stuck the post it note inside. I knew my mother. She would take whatever I gave her and hand it to her personal assistant to deal with, so it was easier on everyone if I just put it on a post it note.

"Ladies. Would you like to start with drinks?" The waiter asked with a smile.

"Two Gentlemen Jack's please." Gena ordered for me. "And table water."

The waiter looked surprised. "With coke?"

"Did I ask for coke?"

"No mam." The waiter bowed his head and wrote the drink order.

"Ice in mine please." I requested.

"Caly? Really?" Gena scolded. "I taught you to drink better."

"You taught me to drink responsibly." I reminded.

Gena smirked. "Do you know what you will eat?"

"Cheese and garlic pizza for entree, chicken milanese salad - entree size- for my main, sticky date pudding with double butterscotch sauce for dessert please." I ordered and handed up my menu to the waiter.

"Small or large pizza?" The waiter asked with bright eyes and smile.

I looked to my mother. "Large." She smiled. "I'll have the nicoise salad, and the salted caramel cheese cake with caramel brandy sauce, cream and ice cream. Thank you."

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