55. Now I sound like a bad parent

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Dad and I are currently sitting in a cab on our way to the hospital. Both of my legs are shaking, they have done it since we left the house. They are probably going to ache afterwards, but I do not care. Hunter said it was a lot of snow here and she was right. The streets are drowning in white, and the sky is pouring down more cold snowflakes. The snow plows are fighting with every power they have under their hood, to make the road clear. I jump as I feel dad's hand on my knee.

"Skylar, calm down." He says chuckling.

"She is going to be fine." He takes his hand from my leg. I know she is going to be fine, but I guess I am just nervous to see her. To watch her laying in that bed, wounded and sleeping.

"When is she going to wake up?" I ask, I have thought about it on the plane, but too afraid to ask. He takes a long, deep breath, and he looks thoughtful and unsure.

"To be honest, I am not sure. It can take days or weeks." He finally answers, and I look at him a little scared.

"How long are we staying here?" I ask shaky, I am afraid I will not be here when she wakes up. I really want to see her smile and hear her voice. All of those things that make my heart smile.

"I booked the hotel for a week," I close my eyes of disappointment.

"But I know that if she doesn't wake up until then, you are not going home without a hell of a fight, so I am going to take another week if she doesn't." I open my eyes with a smile across my face.

"And since I know you so well, you are probably not going to be at the hotel like at all. Am I right?" He raises his eyebrow, and it makes me snort. Of course, I am going to stay with her; I really want to see her wake up. I want to see those blue eyes and that crooked smile; I haven't seen it for over a month. Goddamn, I miss it so much that I am aching for it.

"I am going to be there all the time." I answer and look out the window. I don't want him to see the pain in my eyes. Hunter may look so wounded that I probably cannot keep my emotions down. To be honest, I have no idea how I will react and I am scared I can't control it.

"Just remember to eat and sleep, okay? Because you haven't been really good at it and it scares me." He says worried. Poor dad has been struggling with the goddamn food and me. I haven't managed to eat properly, the food just won't go down. Sleep has just been a nightmare, my head aches more than usual and my eyes stings so much that sometimes it comes tears out of them, on its own command. I nod to dad.

"Yeah, I'll try." I answer honestly. I can't promise him anything, but I will try to remember.

"I will check on you, every day." He points at me, and I roll my eyes with a smile. Then his face expression turns to serious.

"If you can't do those things for yourself, then do it for Hunter. I think the last thing you want to give her is worry, the first day she sees you." I nod to his words. Hunter sees everything, and the last person she thinks about is herself, that is one of the reasons I am so scared for her. She is so kind and selfless, that she do not even care what happens to her, as long everyone around her is happy. It is very cute, but I am not sure how far she will go sometimes. She can end up hurting herself or others will hurt her. Hunt is so kind that if she ever walked on a door, she would have apologized to it. I snort of a thought.

"Do you remember the time Hunter dropped her book on the floor, and she looked at us with widened eyes for a long while?" I ask chuckling. Dad burst out in laughter.

"Yeah, she looked so worried and guilty, like she just lost a baby on the floor." We laugh together.

"I thought she was going to cry when she reached down for it." I say and take the tears away from my eyes.

"I think she loves her books as much as she loves you." Dad jokes and I hit him in the arm.

"Yeah, she could be really funny sometimes. It took a little while before she could let herself out, but when she did, she could really put a smile on our faces." Dad says, and I can't stop smiling about those memories.

"I still can't forget the face she made when you dragged her down with you on the floor, when you ran after and crashed into her. Her eyes where so wide with the knowledge that it was going to hell when she was going to fall down with you." He laughs.

"The biggest impact she has on you is the way she makes you calm, you could barely control your anger before you met her. Then of course we have that smile on your face." He looks at me thoughtful and I smile.

"You have been amazing with her, being so patient. You were the last person I would have ever thought who could wait for her. Now, I sound like a bad parent." He laughs and so do I, but I agree with him.

"No dad, you are right, I should have been the last person to ever, even like her. It is just that she has so many good sides, about her that I just love." I tell him, smiling of all of the things Hunter are. Her heart and souls are so beautiful. She may not think that, and I do not like when she looks down at herself. Hunt is amazing, and I wish that someday she will see that, but she has gotten better at it. I can admit that.
"I am glad I took her with me home. The house has been so interesting, since she came." He chuckles, he is right there has been so much fun with her and she took that little loneliness I had inside of me away. When she left, she took everything with her, my enjoyment of life was just gone. Now I am about to see her again, but not in the way I want.

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