59. With Hunter

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The sound of whispers causes me to wake.

"Liam be quiet." I hear a deeper voice say. I assume that is John, his father. Since Liam is here, I do not want to turn around to look at them.

"When is Hunter going to wake up?" I hear a young boy whisper it must be Logan.

"Soon." John answer more clam and warm. I wish that John was here when I first came, he would probably have handled Liam better than his mother.

"Everything seems like the day before. We should go home to mom and your sister for dinner." I hear him say and they disappeared out the door. I listen until the last sound of their footsteps fades away from the hallway.

Then I open my eyes and look out the window. It's dark, but the city lights make me see that it is still snowing. It looks beautiful. I wish Hunt could have seen it.

I move out of the bed and go into the bathroom. Then I look at the clock on my phone and it is six in the evening.

My stomach is screaming for something to eat, I should get some food, but I am sure dad will come soon enough. Still, I step into the hallway looking around before, I start walking. It sounds so quiet, and it's empty, until I see a blond haired woman walk out a door. I smile as Amber sees me, and wave.

"You are awake this time." She says while walking over. I shrug with a grin.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't." I answer and she snorts.

"Then we are two." Amber tells me, and walk in the door. I look at her working, but then decide to take a walk.

After a few moments I end up outside in the cold evening. The air makes me wake up and the sound of cars feels nice to my ears. The lights that come from the city looks so amazing with the snow coming down on the pavement. Right now I wished I could be home in the yard having a snow fight with Hunter. That would have been so fun, but instead I am standing outside a hospital where Hunt is laying in a bed, sleeping and I do not know when she is going to wake up.

I have this weird hope that she will wake up before Christmas, and that she will come home in time to celebrate it with us. I know it is not going to happen, but at least that is what I want as a present for Christmas. I take a step out and feel the freezing snow fall down on me lightly and quietly. Then I look up to the dark sky, watching them all go down slowly. It's so beautiful.

"Skylar?" I hear dad say and I look back down and see him approach me, with a smile.

"Nice to see you on your feet." He says, joking and I snort.

"Yeah, well Amber was doing some tests on Hunter, so I let her work alone." I tell him and he looks a little lost.

"Amber?" He asks.

"Yeah, I met her in the morning." I answer and he smiles, but then he looks at me with narrowed eyes.

"Have you eaten since I came in?" I should have known.

"No, I just woke up and I thought you would be on your way." He nods to my words.

"Well, this is a progress. You sleep and now you are out stretching your legs, it's good." He smiles so bright, that I can feel my heart turning a little warmer.

"I brought some food for a couple of days, so you do not need to wait for me all the time, because I know you are not going to buy anything anyway." I nod and warm my hands. The cold is starting to get through Hunt's sweater. I did not bother to take my jacket, because I did not think I was going to end up out here in the snow.

"Let's get inside, you eat and I will see if there is anything new." I follow him inside and he hands me the backpack, then I walk back to Hunter while dad talks to some doctor. Amber has left and Hunt is still sleeping. I sit down in the chair next to the bed and open up dad's backpack. Inside there is a bottle of water and soda, and some sandwiches and baguettes. I am so grateful for dad. He comes in the door and sigh.

"There is nothing new, but I guess there can't be anything until she wakes up." I move to sit on the bed, so he can take the chair and he dose.

"Thank you." I tell him and take out a sandwich. He smiles.

"I am just glad you are actually eating like a normal person." He chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"I talked to mum, she said that she will come here on Friday, she will take two weeks off and stay here with us." He smiles so bright that it affects me. I am so glad she will be here too.

"And," he grins like he is about to say a big secret.

"We have deiced that we won't celebrate Christmas until we come back home," My heart beats too fast now and I look down at Hunt.

"With Hunter." He says. I turn to look at him with widened eyes and throw my arms around his neck.

"Thank you." I cry, holding onto him so hard that I am afraid I am strangling him. Then I let him go and take the tears away from my eyes.

"It would be you, Hunter, mom and me. Like it should be." He smiles. I can't feel anything, but relief and happiness right now. I have wanted to have Hunter home for Christmas, but I guess Christmas can wait for her.

"I love you, dad." He looks at me with a surprised smile.

"It's been a long time since you said that, and I love you too, honey."

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