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  Hello Reader!

Before you begin this fanfiction, I just want to let you know four things to take note of:

1.       This fanfiction takes place one year after The Maze Trials has begun.

Which is two years before Thomas and Teresa comes in. 
So don't panic if you don't see them in the first few chapters.
It's meant to be like that.

2.       My fanfiction will be long winded.

I can honestly tell you that there will be a shitton of unexplained things in the first few chapters that might not even be explainable until very much later.

This is one of those fanfictions where Teresa isn't the first girl.

But please trust me.
There is a reason for everything. 


It will be a little long-winded because I'm trying to be as realistic as I can –
This isn't a cliché plot.

3.       Romance will take a little while
The characters are around 14 years old as of the first chapter.
They haven't even gone through puberty yet LOL

I want to let them and you, the reader, to get to know my OC as a person.
I'm writing a love story, not a crush story.

4.       You might have to reread the book

According to the comments and critique that I receive along the way,
I will revise chapters every now and then.

As a perfectionist by nature, especially when it comes to writing,
I try to deliver only the best to my readers (you)

It'll be minor changes honestly, I will definitely notify everyone if there's a huge change.
However I really appreciate every single one of you and I want you to read only the best,
So flip through the front few chapters whenever you're free.
Perhaps you'll find them even more enjoyable (:


All characters belong to James Dashner, except Qiufeng and a few select others.

Cover by DriveMeCrayCray



  I still highly recommend the readers to read the first few chapters -
but these are for people that just want to jump right in.
I will update these as soon as I hit one.

2 Year Time Skip - Chapter 10

Thomas's Arrival - Chapter 16


Before I end, I want to thank you for clicking to read Redamancy! It really means a lot to me, and I hope I don't disappoint!

Now please enjoy!

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