十一 : Reminances

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If you guys didn't notice, Qiufeng now has a cast! :D I've put her up in the chapter media, so don't miss that! ^^ Feel free to tell me what you guys think! (: 

As always, I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Do consider pushing the vote button and telling me what you think, I'd love to hear from you! (:



Half-light had settled on the glade, immersing everything within the maze walls in a gentle bluish glow. It was only during this time of the day that even after so long of being here, she felt that the walls didn't look intimidating but comforting even. It was almost ironic that these walls were protecting them from the monsters that were prowling around the maze, but at the same time withholding them from their freedom.

Two years had passed in a flash and plenty of things had changed within the Glade. She witnessed the boys grow up with her, fights, banishings, changings, and recently even death. Qiufeng cringed and skipped ahead in her thoughts. Right after that gruesome incident, Alby took over leader status and Newt became second-in-command. She could hardly believe it's been almost a month since then.

Shaking away the memory, she reached into her pocket and brought out a packet of rubber bands. Snapping one around her wrist, Qiufeng closed her eyes and combed her fingers through her hair, bringing it all to one side in a quick braid. She tightened it after looping the end through a few times and left it to drop just below her chest, brushing away some loose strands out of her eyes.

"Keep long hair! It would be pretty! Yeah right." Qiufeng rolled her eyes and mimicked her younger self in a mocking high-pitched voice. "If only I knew how high maintenance long hair was back then, probably would've just snipped it." She shook her head, but she knew inwardly that she could never bear to cut away her long hair now. Just as she was about to start prepping lunchboxes for the runners as usual, a movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention.

"Feng!" a hushed voice called out urgently to her as she peered over, catching sight of a tuft of brown hair peeking over the kitchen counter. The other gladers picked up the nickname that Minho had given her as soon as they found out about it, not that she minded of course.

"No," she stated as she turned away, not needing to look any further to know who it was. She reached into the fridge, bringing out some tomatoes, lettuce and chicken slices that she prepared yesterday.

"Please?" Chuck asked, giving her a pleading eye. He was the greenie this month, and it didn't take long for the kitchen to be wary of his appetite. He used to approach Fry for snacks, but started turning to Qiufeng instead when the chef eventually got tired of his nonsense and kicked him out of the kitchen one day.

"Nope." She refused to budge, piling her ingredients neatly into a loaf of bread that was already sliced in half. When the gap was filled, she started to slice it into several smaller sandwiches in quick deft movements.

"Aww c'mon," Chuck whined and she sighed, putting down the knife she was holding and rolling her eyes.

"You'd think that we were feeding you nothing but klunk, by the way you act," Qiufeng chided him as she picked up one of the smaller sandwiches she had cut. Walking towards the kitchen counter, she picked up an apple from the fruits basket, and passed it over along with the sandwich to the tanned boy. "Now shoo, before I tell Frypan."

Chuck laughed as he scooted away towards the deadheads to enjoy his early breakfast. "Thanks Feng! You're the best!"

She shook her head and turned back to her preparation. Chuck was about twelve or thirteen, quite a few years younger than her. He had become a slopper a week after he arrived, which wasn't very surprising. He was a little on the pudgy side, wasn't fit enough to do physical work, and was too young to handle any of the other responsibilities. He was a quirky kid with a sense of humour though, and was often caught playing pranks on the other gladers.

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