The Father of Us

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"Eden, darling, your food is ready," I say.

"Okay." She wiggles onto the chair and diggs into the bowl of noodles. I pull out a dusty bag from in the burch wood cupboard and walk to the fridge. I emptied three days worth of food and two bottles of water before zipping the largest compartment closed.

"Wendy, where are we going?" I look at Eden while biting my lip, cautious about how I answered.

"We are going back home." I say before unlocking the door and hiding the bag under a pile of old magazines. We had been here for a week now, the same routine had been imbedded into my brain like a robot toy. Wake up, feed Eden, play with Eden, feed Eden, read Eden to sleep, read a entry from the mysterious woman's diary and sleep. Every morning I had welcomed Benith inside and gave him a good breakfast, while pestering him continuously for the way out. All I ever received was a glare before he slammed the door in my face. 

"Wendilin, why is the door open?" I low voice asked before slamming the door shut behind themselves.

I look at Benith in irritation, "So that I can be killed before I die here in this treehouse. I am this close--"I hold op my fingers, leaving a tiny space between them"--to insanity."

"Don't over exaggerate," He says, picking Eden off the chair and kissing her forehead.

"I am not over exaggerating!" I exclaim while walking behind him. He placed Eden by the bookshelf and gave her a colorful covered book before standing up and facing me. I stood with my hands on my hips like the hormonal teenager I am.

He raised an eyebrow and kissed my forehead lightly, "Close the door at sunset."

I rub my head and frown as he walks off again, "Don't do that, your not my father!" He stops momentarily at the door and mumbles softly to himself.

"What did y--" But before I could finish my sentence the door was slammed in my face once again.


While reading Autumn's diary (I had finally found her name), I discovered her character as a person. For example, I found out that she and Benith had a very intimate relationship meaning I read a lot of sappy moments as well as the constant bickering they shared. Autumn was a good character and never disrespected anyone or talked rudely to anyone but she had a very adventurous side. As the days ticked by I started to realize tiny details about her, as if I actually knew her as a person, like the fact that she loved oranges but hated bananas or that she hated when hair was in her face. I found out she had blonde hair with a pair of light blue eyes to match and that she was extremely humble. But all it took was one entry to change my whole perspective on her.

It was day eight, meaning Monday. I was sitting quietly on one of the single couches, reading Autumn's entry on how she had this horrible laugh where she would snort right continuously. I turned the page after laughing at her funny entry.


I'm pregnant.

Benith's the father, I always wanted a child but in this deadly forest I'm not sure it would be safe for my child. But Benith refuses to let me go, he speaks of bad things if I try to leave the forest through the river. The road there passes all three of the dangerous territories and the river itself is rugged and violent. But I have to get my poor baby to safety.

All at once memories rushed into my brain, I dropped the book as my head ached. Flashes of snow and water pushed into me and all at once I was pulled in...

A woman with blond hair ran with me in her arms, she had eyes like mine and her skin was as pale as the snow that fell across my body. I was little, I could tell from the small chubby fingers and short legs. The woman kept looking behind her as if someone was after her, suddenly she stopped in front of a rushing river. Its currents strong and never failed to stray a soft splatter on my face, I giggled as the water tickled my nose.

"No matter what consequences I face, I will always love you. Okay, Wendilin?" I just giggled joyfully at her, her expression was full of love as tears formed at the tips of her eyelids. She kissed me softly and placed me in a weaved basket then handed me a letter. Before she closed it she spoke in soft voice and said, "I will always remember you." I felt the water rush through the cracks of the basket as I floated violent down the lake.

I gasped for air, the room appeared slowly into my vision.

"Wendilin, what are you doing?" Benith says shaking me violently as the water had.

"Why didn't you tell me you where my father?" I whispered. His movements stop and he looks at me silently, "You read the book?" He asks, nodding his head towards the book sprawled on the floor. I don't reply instead I look at him with his features and only then did I realize the similarities. His hair, eye brows and even the sharp distinct nose shape.

"Lock the door at sunset," Is all he says before kissing my forehead and Eden's. He walks out the door and this time I don't stop him.


"Wendy, do you love me?" I look at Eden tucked under the quilt with a smile. I look at the little girl, her freckled face and sweet natured smile.

"Yes I do," She smiles and turns towards the wall, I lock the door and sit on the small couch. I was intending to read a few more of my mothers entries but my mind had a different idea. I don't know how long I had slept but no sooner had I closed my eyes than only to be awaken again. My eyes adjusted only to see a red substance running in from behind the door, blood. I stepped towards the door, not caring about the blood seeping onto my bare feet.

Then somebody knocked.

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