The Dolls of the Cabin

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When I woke up that morning the corpse of my fake mother was gone as if the gruesome scene didn't happen. It made me angry in a way, I mean how could Benith not have told us his life behind the night? As his children we had a right to know but in the deepest part of me I knew that what I had said was true, but to what extent? I had said that my father had died the same day my mother did but could he actually be dead? Was the person we met a illusion to keep us trapped in the forest?

I would never know.

"Wendy, how long I till the next stop?" I looked down at the little girl before taking a look at the map.

"Not long." I stepped quickly over a group of sharp rocks. Before examining a extremely large willow with a deep gorge in its center, there where markings against the bark while a deep brown was splayed on its edges. I traced the lines and lifted the dark liquid to my nose, the metallic smell of blood drowned me in memories of Tabithia. I choke before turning to speak to Eden, I look calmly expecting to find Eden sitting sweetly on one of the rocks but I only see a new layer of snow on the tips.

I panicked as my eyes looked around the scene in a rush, Eden had left nothing in her wake. I look for any signs of where she had went, finding footprints going past the big willow and into more trees. I follow them in a rush without a moment of hesitation, my breathing increased, leaving me to wonder how far could she have gone? I allow for this moment for my heart to be free and suddenly I felt alive. Feet, heart and mind all at once burst into rhythm with each other letting my fear follow. It felt...right.

But the feeling was disturbed when a large object appeared in my site. The material it was made of resembled the color of the trees so much that it blended into the surroundings. A new layer of snow dusted it's roof and tickled it's window sills, it was a cottage. I gasped lightly in fear, it was the same house in my dream. My heart vibrated, fingers shook and lungs increased their oxygen intake. The world seemed to shake at each step I took towards the door, the nob was inviting but rusty as I turned it.

Blood, blood and blood.

That's all I saw as I entered the house, the floor was covered with it and the walls littered with dolls. All the dolls sat on the shelves but fixed this time, their eyes seemed to follow my movements as I opened the second door. The door creaked as it opened, allowing the smell of blood to enter the other room. My eyes adjusted to the amount of light entering the room, the source was a single window that seemed to be small. Eden stood by the small window with a small baby bottle in hand, her eyes reflected bright blue in the rays of the sun. I walked towards her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Eden! You scared me, why did you wonder off?" She seemed not at all surprised to see me.

"This was the next landmark," I let go of her and look at the map in my hand. She was correct, I could see the cottages resemblance to the small picture. I look at her confused.

"How would you know that?"

"I've been on this route before," I look at her in confusion, could it be that she remembers the route mom took to get her to the forest? I lay my head on the wall only now realizing a crucial detail.


"Elena taught me."

"Whose Elena?"

"My doll," I gasp only now realizing the doll was not in Eden's presence and in her wake she had time to make tea, as I found out when I turned around. She stood there on her two feet with a tray of biscuits and tea, her head was tilted and eyes wide as ever. I backed to the wall and clutched Eden tightly.

" did your remember the way? It was five years ago?" I say before slightly hitting the wall behind me. Eden peels my fingers from her arm and walks towards the cryptic doll.

"Mom couldn't let me she kept me and taught me about the forest. I only left because dad forced me out while mom wasn't there." Her voice turned dark and eyes pooled with hate and red. Veins around her eyes became pronounced and her features turned distort and cruel, she turned into the creature I vowed to protect her from in seconds. The dolls face began to move into a evil smile and she dropped the tray to take a step forward, blood pooled around her feet as she walked towards me, revealing a large knife from behind her back.

She threw her knife at me but missed as I ducked and slid behind the dusty couch. My breadth was fast as I put my face to the floor, I look under the couch to see to sets of feet walking slowly towards me.

"It's time to stop running," Eden said as look vigorously for a way out.

The door.

I feel them get closer as I take a deep breadth, there's silence for a few seconds before the dolls head pops out of the side of the couch. It's face is calm and pretty before it releases its smirk and reveals the knife, I jump and run to the door. It opens with ease to reveal a now long passage. The small room full of dolls had stretched itself to seem longer and the door at the end was closing quickly. With every ounce of strength within me I sprint to the door while it teased me with its slow impatience. I was sure I wasn't going to make it until I fell headfirst into the snow and a loud slam is heard behind me.

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