Chapter Six: Impossible

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Alex's P.O.V.

This can't be happening! I stood there feeling light headed. He looked at me and stepped closer.

"Alexandria. You look... Just like you did 100 years ago. You look like.. My, you haven't changed a bit." He said smiling. "Your mother was a witch, after all, she wasn't lying. She did make me immortal just like you Alexandria. If I die. I'm reborn until the curse is broken." He said smiling.

"I don't know you!" I shouted. I began to panic, what was wrong with this man? Was he even telling the truth?

"Yes, yes you do. You've been having the nightmares lately haven't you? About your past? Remember that night. That night when I took your mother while you ran?" He laughed. I closed my eyes to make me less light-headed. "You don't remember do you, Alexandria? Typical. What about you Holland's? Do you not remember?" He laughed even more, which made me want to tear my ears out.

Gabriel's P.O.V.

I stared at Greg as he talked, he kept saying how Alexa was immortal. I decided to step in.
"What are you talking about?!" I growled.

"Do you not remember, Gabriel? That innocent little girl 100 years ago? When it was your 500th year of being a vampire, remember that girl you promised to protect? But you failed when she turned 17. She was in a different form, a different body, but this is her true form. This is her real body." He spoke. I looked back at Alexa and into her eyes. And then. I saw it. Her blue eyes. Those blue eyes that belonged to- to her.. Alexandria. I felt rage come up inside me. He killed her. I looked at Nathaniel who looked just as pissed as I was. I knew what he felt for her back then. He loved her.. Just like how I loved her.

"Your 17 again aren't you? Well, you've never lived past 17. So let's kill you now before you become more powerful and get your powers. Better you dead than alive." He chuckled as he continued speaking to Alexandria. "After all, it is you that will destroy us all." Nathaniel ran at Greg and nearly got him, but Greg was too fast. He tried to stick a stake into Nathaniel's stomach. But he missed. I couldn't take any chances. I grabbed Nathaniel and threw him, causing him to slam right into the house.

"Greg! What are you doing here?! I forbid any harm done to my family!" My father came. Finally... I didn't know how much longer I could keep him from killing us. "You heard the Council.." He growled.

"Fine, we'll leave... Marcus..." He turned around but whispered something to the kid next to him.

"Kill her." The kid picked up the crossbow and pointed it at Alexandria, Natalie was helping her up from the ground. I ran in front of her and the stake went through my stomach. I fell to the ground and pulled it out.

"Gabriel!" My mother screamed.

Kalia's P.O.V.

So far, they've been really nice to me. I actually like it here. Trevor and I had become closer. Much closer. He's a really good guy. Master Hendrick has been very kind to me. I was sitting on the couch with my feet on top of Trevor's legs while we were watching Finding Nemo, I laughed as I repeated every line in the movie, Trevor kept smacking me on the hand. Which it didn't really hurt. His phone started to suddenly vibrate. He sighed, but pulled it out and answered it.

"Hello?" He paused.

"Nat, please slow down. Yeah. I can. What? Alexandria?" He paused more.

"I'll be right over. I'm bringing Kalia with me." He said and then hung up.

"My friends need me to help heal my other friend. Turns out they have your friend Alexandria." He told me. I jumped up and screamed.

"What?! Really?! Oh my gosh!" I ran up to my room and got dressed in some clothes, not really caring what I was throwing on. I ran downstairs and saw him with my suitcase.

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