6| The Interview

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One long, hot shower and a two-hour nap later, Marshall felt like a new man. Ready to take on the world in the form of Miss Eva Turner. Another run on the net still hadn't landed him any information or insight into what to expect with the keep to herself artist and gallery owner.

So, he decided, to err on the side of caution, to put out some feelers with a few of his more capable connections. If anyone could find some dirt, it would be Cyrus, he thought, recalling the pole-thin hacker he'd brushed shoulders with in Beirut. Leaving LeBron to bound happily with his new friends, Marshall drove into Salt Springs, blasting Cold Play's latest album.

Finding the gallery was easy enough. She'd taken over the lease on an old two-story building that sat on the corner of the town's busiest intersection. The pale bricks and fluted columns gave the air of a historical structure. It had once been a bank branch and later unoccupied space the last time he could recall. Propped in the windows were framed photographs, sitting on stands, easels and pillars. He took a moment, examining each in turn.

Impressed by what he saw, Marshall pushed in through the front door and was surprised to see inside boasted a sizeable crowd, the air thick with the hum of conversation and excitement, mostly tourists by his estimation. He wove through the bodies, getting a feel for the rest of what Out of Focus had to offer. Most of what hung on the walls had yellow stickers labelled 'SOLD' slapped over the top corner. By his count majority were snatched up, leaving only a dozen or so left up for grabs.

It was then he saw her. Dazzling in ivory slacks and a sleeveless blouse, was Jenelle, the middle child of the Davies brood. He watched as she surveyed the buzz of the gallery with silver eyes and an unmistakable gleam of smug pride as she guided bodies and answered questions. He'd always known his sister had a knack for garnering attention, he mused, and the brain to back it up. Never one to shy away from the spotlight, she was all ambition and creative savvy. To know that she was the driving force behind the hype for Out of Focus made him smile.

When she wound around the counter and into the back end of the gallery, Marshall followed close behind, closing the door to the crowd behind him. Sensing his presence, her eyes swung his way and watched the spectacle of her face-surprise, love and complete joy-seconds before she launched at him with a squeal.

Marshall caught his sister in his arms, swung her around and, even though his shoulder protested, and held on tight for a lingering hug. Pulling away he looked down at her, brushing his gaze across her stunning face.

"God, you're ugly."

Jenelle answered the dig with a laugh and a perfect right hook to his kidney. Growing up in a crowded household of two sisters and four brothers, she'd learned how to hold her own. "Loser. Looks who's talking. Haven't you ever heard of a comb? Or a razor?" She brushed her fingers over his cheeks, hidden beneath two week's worth of scruff and shoulder length hair, still damp from his shower.

"Frolicking through the Middle East doesn't require me to look pretty," he said. "Besides, need to keep this handsome mug under wraps. Don't want to steal your thunder as the most attractive Davies on Haven soil."

She punched him again, this time aiming for his shoulder. His injured shoulder. And caught herself a second before making full contact.

"Oh! Oh jeez, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

"No." He swept a hand protectively over it, smoothing away the nerves. Man, he'd broken into a clean sweat just thinking about what the playful impact would have done. "No, we're good. We're okay." His smile flashed, hiding the twist in his belly and he flicked a finger under her chin.

"Where's this brilliant artist of yours?" he asked, changing the direction and focus of conversation.

"The hermit's holed away in her cave," she said, a teasing light in her voice. "Eva's not one for crowds, and as you can see-we're kind of busy, these days."

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