Like Fire

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. That honour goes to the brilliant RobThier.

I wrote this awhile ago and decided to share it with the rest of wattpad. I hope you enjoy it!

Ps. I think the song perfectly describes Mr. Ambrose and Lily...just my opinion : )


It was the warmth that he remembered the most.

She was warm, so warm. Like a glowing hearth offering relief to a weary traveller from the cold in the dead of winter. Everything about her was like fire. From her fingers leaving scorched trails everywhere she touched him, to the velvet of her lips igniting the furnace in his chest.

Her mystifying dark eyes drew him in, holding him captive. There was a fleck of hope and perhaps a chance for something more. A little something that they both needed. Her fingers gripped his collar and tugged him towards her and all he could do was comply. His lips met her's in a clash of heat. Giving and taking, they lost themselves in each other. It was hot and cold. The glowing sun and the darkness that caresses it. A powerful storm and the deafening silence before it.

All of it felt so mind-numbingly right, yet so terribly wrong.

He knew perfectly well that he shouldn't be doing this. A part of his mind screamed at him to pull away from her, while another urged to him to pull her close and never let go. His mind was being torn apart from the inside out, and it seemed for once he didn't seem to care. His hands drew down her sides to the small of her back, where he pulled her even closer. He loved the way she felt in his arms, so soft. So vulnerable.

The cold shock of reality came splashing down on him. His grip on her kept tightening, but it still felt like she was trickling away from him. The sensation of her lips leaving his left him feeling brittle and icy inside. His eyes flung open and met with her molten dark ones. His breath was caught in his throat, as he stared at her with wide eyes. She was beautiful, so beautiful. A gentle smile tugged at her lips releasing him of the tension building inside his chest.  Finally able to exhale, he tried grinning back at her, but with a blink of an eye she was gone, consumed by the darkness he didn't realize was there.

Rikkard shot awake, breathing heavily.

His skin felt cool in the musty air. Wiping his forehead, he shook himself out of the cold sweat he built up while he slept. He could feel just how fast his heart was going.  Squeezing his eyes shut, he felt the sensations of his dream flash through him. Warmth and softness. Lips and fingertips. Gasping breath and knowing smiles.

All of it was there for only what felt like a glimpse, a flash, or a moment before it was snatched away from him like a cruel joke.

A harsh wave of anger overtook him. Picking up the cup on the table, he flung it across the room with a roar of frustration that he was unable to keep in. At the sound of it shattering against the far wall in the dark, he squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath. After all of these months, Rikkard made sure that the night porter knew better than to check up on the sounds he heard coming from the top floor.

Fisting his hands in his hair, he growled again.

She haunted him every hour of the day. She, she, she, SHE!

He couldn't get himself to form her name on his lips;  it would only bring back all of the memories of that night. That one night.

Sighing, Rikkard stared into the burning embers in the fireplace, casting just enough light to see around the study. Why was it so difficult to banish her from his thoughts? Everything about her was so addictive. She was like needing air, and he just couldn't go without it.

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