Chapter 24

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After my initial assessment, I was given back one of the AR-15's I had handed over before we left. It was kind of insulting actually. John beamed at me like a parent at their kid's graduation, when the sergeant deemed me fit for duty; or at least fit to carry a handgun.

Roy had elected to stay behind, not caring if he had a gun or not, while John and I had ridden out in one of the trucks to the location they were using as a firing range. It was a good distance away to keep the noise far from Hargrove; the way there was close to two hours by itself. I couldn't help but think of all the gas they were burning just to transport people there and back, but I guess that was the price you paid to play it safe.

"You have the basics down, but can you still shoot with a bigger gun?" Sergeant Grant asked as he stuffed the automatic weapon in my arms.

Were all military men this pushy? John wasn't, but then again, he had been out of service for a while before all this. I would have taken it personal except Grant was like that to everyone. The poor teen boy from yesterday who had been teased was back, trying to redeem himself and the sergeant was giving him no quarter. I swear he looked close to tears after another round of Grant shouting instructions at him.

I adjusted the sights and jammed the butt of the gun against the spot where my shoulder met my torso. With a deep breath, I let out a burst of bullets. I only managed to hit the small target twice; I was not accurate with this weapon unless I had a surface to hold it on.

"Thought you said you could use this weapon." I could feel the steely gaze of the Sergeant Grant burning into the back of my head.

I wanted nothing more to throw the gun down and tell Sergeant Asshole to go fuck himself, but instead I gritted my teeth and kept at it. As I kept shooting, it seemed like the target was getting further and further away while the gun became heavier. Once the gun clicked empty, I still had only managed to hit the target a handful of times.

I lowered the gun and stretched out my now sore shoulder. John walked over to me, and then whispered beside me.

"You need to hit the target at least fifteen times to be allowed to use it."

"Well I passed the handgun test, so I really don't care," I lied.

Sergeant Grant joined us and I handed the AR-15 into his outstretched hand.

"You're clear to use any handgun, but you're not allowed to use an assault weapon," he stated. "If you want to keep tryin', you can join us again next week for another go."

I hated being told what I can and can't do, "Fine, then give me back my guns and ammo."

Grant stared me down, with a slightly condescending smirk on his face, "Fine, then you can leave our community."

I was about to tell him to shove his community up his ass when John stepped in.

"Bailey, it's fine. You can take the course again next week and I'm sure you'll pass with flyin' colors." John shot me a look telling me to shut up.

Grant just grunted and walked away with the weapons I had given them.

"That guy is a dick!" I hissed.

John let out a laugh, "He ain't the friendliest of the bunch, but he's got military trainin' and survival skills that these people need. I think some of the population hasn't left the gates since Wyatt started the place."

That was exactly what I had thought.

"You really think this place is on the up-and-up?" I asked, my gaze holding his.

When he hesitated I knew there was something wrong.

"Now if I tell you, you have to swear you won't go do somethin' stupid," John demanded.

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