Book 3

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So now that book 2 is finally completed, I will be taking a break to write the third book as I hope to complete it faster than book 2. 

I do not have a date for when book 3 will be available because I haven't even started book 3 - got an outline - but no words yet. I ask for your patience. My followers will be the first to hear any news, as I'll be posting updates to them. So if you want to be kept in the loop, following me would be highly recommended (ah, shameless is my middle name, the D is silent :P). 

If you are ever curious to how far along I am in the third book, I will be posting a word count meter on my website. So feel free to check in every now and again :) 

If  you'd like to support my efforts, please consider purchasing a copy of the first book (or the 2nd book when it drops in April) on Amazon (the external link at the bottom of this page), or whichever eBook retailer you prefer, and leaving a genuine review. I would really appreciate any support!

I look forward to writing book 3 and I hope you look forward to reading it!

This Would Be Paradise (Book 2)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now