Chapter 14

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Harry and I became closer and closer. Not in any romantic kind of way, but as good friends. We started to talk everyday in school, I think that was the start of it all, and started to spend more and more time together. Whenever I sat in the library, he came and joined me. That's where we spend most of our studying, together in the library, helping each other. He brought Jennifer once, it was awkward, I didn't really know where to look when they were kissing.

I still couldn't believe how fast this friendship has developed, though. In my opinion, maybe it was too fast. I guess I couldn't shake the feeling that told me that it was all Elizabeth's plan off me. But still, I couldn't be so sure, maybe it actually was Harry's idea all along. One day, I'll find out.

“Hi Amber!” The familiar nurse said as I entered the building. She was the one that used to take care of grandma the most, so she started to know me and who I was. I had trouble remembering her name, though. Luckily, she had a badge with her name on it on her chest.

“Hello, Anna.”

“Your grandma is eating at the moment, but I'll follow you to the dining room.”

“Okay,” I said and tried my hardest to keep up with her fast pace.

Grandma was sitting at a table with some other people, talking and laughing while eating some dinner. It was fun to see her smile and how happy she looked. It meant a lot that it was more “old people” there, so grandma had someone in her age to talk to. I don't know why, but I think that those people understood grandma better than the nurses. I pulled out the empty chair next to grandma and sat down beside her.

“Hi grandma,” I said and rested my head in my hands as I watched her eat. She slowly turned her head and looked at me.

“Oh my lord! Diana, is it you?. I haven't seen you in years!” she said and wrapped her arms around me. I didn't know what to say.

“No, grandma, it's me. Amber. Diana is my mother, I'm your granddaughter,” I said and saw how grandma's face looked a bit sad. But that didn't last for long

“I'm so sorry Amber. You look just like your mother,” she said with a laugh and stroke my dark, brown hair. My mother has black hair, and brown eyes. My eyes are blue with a shade of green. I'm nothing like her.

When grandma had finished eating, I took her to her room and closed the door behind us. She had some trouble with the walk, but she leaned on me a bit so it turned out pretty good anyway. I helped her change and put her to bed. She said she was tired and wanted to go to bed even though it was kind of early. I didn't argue, just did what she told me.

I had just tucked her in when my phone buzzed in the back pocket of my jeans. I swiftly grabbed it and saw that it was a text from him.

From Harry.

- Hiii! Library tomorrow after school? ;)

I smiled and texted back:

- Sure! See you there! ;)

“Who is he?” grandma suddenly asked as I was texting my reply. I blinked a couple of times, clearly surprised.

“What do you mean?” I asked back.

“The guy that makes you blush and smile like that. I don't think I've ever seen you like that,” grandma said. Damn, she noticed me blush and giggle. My normal reaction to his texts.

“I have no idea what you're talking about,” I lied and looked back down into the phone.

“Are you in love with a boy, Amber? Is he the one you're talking too now?” A sneaky smile escaped grandma's lips. Was she teasing me? She hadn't done that to me since she got ill. I could actually catch a glimpse of the real Violet for a second.

“No, grandma, I'm not in love with anyone. I'm just texting a friend, that's all.”

“I see. Is your friend a boy,” she asked with more curiosity. I sighed. Why did I had to blush?

“Yes, he is. But we're just friends,” I said and tried to think of something else so the red color would disappear.

“Considering your actions, I would think there's something more. But I wouldn't know,” grandma said and wrapped the duvet closer to her body.

“You don't have to worry. Nothing's going on between us. Now, take a nap and I'll be back in a few days,” I said and kissed her forehead.

“Goodbye Amber!”

As I drove back home I was thinking about what grandma had said. That she hadn't seen me like that before. And maybe she hadn't, because I haven't really had boys as friends before. Especially not guys like Harry. But I wasn't feeling anything romantic for him. No, I couldn't do that. Harry and I were just friends, and that was enough for me. Besides, he already has a beautiful girlfriend.

I unlocked the door to my flat and kicked off my shoes and just threw my bag on the small chair. I was actually feeling tired. I made myself a sandwich and a glass of apple juice before brushing my teeth and look at the TV. I knew I would probably fall asleep on the sofa, but I didn't care.

My phone's buzzing made me jump as I was lying there on the sofa, half asleep. The screen lit up the dark room. I couldn't help but smile, maybe it was Harry that wanted to wish me goodnight.

But it wasn't Harry.

I recognized the number. It was the same number that had texted me before, the person we didn't know. My heart started to pound, my palms became sweaty and tears were burning in my eyes. I slowly slid my thumb across the screen and opened the text.

- Why don't you sleep in your bed?

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I Want To Break Free ❤ Harry Styles FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora