Chapter 2:

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Hey guys I noticed that chapter 2 and 3 don't have any author notes at the beginning so I added this because it was bothering me
I hope you enjoy the pic is Jason
Also I noticed that I spell Jessie's name different throughout the story so can you please just forgive me for that and keep reading. Thank you
I had texted Jason my address, which I don't know why, okay well I just sent Jason my address which I'm starting to regret. I walk down to the living room and my brother peeks out from the couch " well did you call him" he was literally jumping up in anticipation " yeah I did and he said he's on his way" I chuckled " YES!" he yelled jumping off the couch " Scarlet, sweetheart can you come help me please" my mom called from the kitchen " of course mom" I make my way to the kitchen. As I was helping my mom with dinner the doorbell rings " hey Jesse why don't you go get the door" my mom tells him " alright" he yells back, I hear the door open and Jesse " HEY! you actually came" he paused " come on in my sis and mom are setting the table" he guides Jason into the dining room " well you look like a natural" he chuckles as he watches me bring the food in " shut it I'm helping my mom unlike someone" I gesture to Jesse who sticks out his tongue. " Scarlet be nice to our guest" my mom comes in and Jason stands " Hi Mrs. Wolf I'm Jason" he holds out his hand and gave my mom his famous smiles " oh please call me Stella and you must be Scarlet's boyfriend " I almost choked on my food when my mother said that " MOM! he's not-" " yes I'm her boyfriend it's nice to finally meet you" Jason stopped me causing my mother to chuckle and Jesse to give me this shocked look " whoa sis you are lying you aren't that pretty enough to get a guy like him" I got my napkin and threw it at my brother " MOM! Scarlet threw her napkin at me" mom sighs " Jesse stop tempting your sister" I chuckle as he groans at mother's answer. Jason had sat down beside me as we continued eating, it wasn't til after eating that Jason asked me for help " hey Scar, do you think you can help me with our homework for english" he whispered " yeah I guess I can help you I mean I am going to do it anyways might as well do it now" I walk to the stairs signaling him to follow me, we made our way to my room and closed the door so my mom or little brother don't bother us. " so what are you having trouble with" I ask Jason as I drop onto my bed " well everything" he says shyly " well here maybe I can explain it to you" I gesture for him to sit next to me on my bed, for the next hour I spent with Jason helping him with our homework. " so if you look at this and analyze the context" I point to the article as I explain the procedure " alright I can't hold it in anymore" he whispers " what was that" I look at him and see him lean in, " Jason what are you-" before our lips touch my door opens " hey Scar I came over and was wondering if we could" he trails off, me and Jason separate, I stand and walk toward Justin " Justin it's not what you think" I try to keep him away from Jason but he was too fast " JUSTIN NO STOP!" Justin lunges at Jason " You bastard how dare you try and take my girl" he pulls back his fisted hand and thrusts it into Jason's face " dude chill I wasn't" Jason throws Justin off of him " guys stop fighting" I grab Justin to pull him off of Jason " get off of me" he pushes me away causing me to hit my dresser " OW" I hit the dresser, the boys stopped fighting to look at me " Scarlet are you alright" Jason helped me up " yeah I'm fine, but Justin I need you to leave" both of the guys were shocked " but Scar, I'm you" I didn't let him finish " no your not, not after this" I point to the door and he leaves. Turning to Jason, he pushes me up against the door as he forces his lips to mine " mmm... Jason" I push him away " Jason just because I broke up with my boyfriend doesn't mean you can kiss me" I walk to my bed and plop down " Scarlet I'm ... sorry" he walks toward me " no your not for all I know you are just doing this to humiliate me" I feel a lone tear glide down my cheek " well I saves you from Justin so you should probably leave now" he nods and opens the door and steps out.
The next morning I went through my normal routine and headed off to school, when I got to school Daniella was waiting for me " so Justin told me what happened.... You and Jason huh" my face blushes lightly " no we aren't together trust me" she gives me a glare " look Jason is still with Brittany so I would never get in between them" I slam my locker closed and then it hit me, literally, girl hands grabbed me and pushed me into the stairs that led to the second floor of the school. Did I not mention that my school has three floors. Who I assumed was Brittany, dragged me all the way up to the roof " you stupid slut will be getting the beating of a lifetime" Brittany tells me and that's when I the chain of pain started.
" Jason!" Jason turns to the sound of him being called to see Daniella " Jason... Brittany.... Scarlet..... the roof" she said through pants " whoa Daniella take a deep breath and tell me" she obeys " your crazy girlfriend is going to push Scarlet off the roof" Jason's eyes widened and he sprinted up the stairs to the roof.
I was up against the railing of the edge of the roof, "Brit, what are you-" Jason didn't finished "Oh shut it and let me finish" Brittany screamed lunging for me " Brittany please" I croaked out when I felt my back up against the railing " please this is going to be a blessing for you" she said her breath hitting my face. "BRITTANY STOP JOKING" Jason yelled as he made his way to her, but it was too late. Brittany pushed me harder against the railing, making it creak as the old pieces of metal couldn't handle the extra weight, I could feel the railing giving way " SCARLET!" Jason screamed as the railing failed and I fell " JASON!" I reached up to the edge where Jason was, he tried to grab my hand but was short. My hand slipped out of his hand and the next thing I knew my world turned dark.

My High School LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ