Layer #1 -- PASSWORDS

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Okay, so let's take another look at where we are before we click that button to get online.

I'm assuming your device is fairly clean and the programmes or apps you use to take pictures, play music and games or write on don't leak your info everywhere. That's a big ask, I know. Even if you followed everything I flagged up there are still things like securing one drive (SEE LINK 1) or unchecking problematic remote access settings, and other ways you can get mugged before you even go online. We have to start adding more layers. So what's your computer password?

Hehe. :)


Passwords have been around for millennia and were probably first used by sentries on watch who would not let anyone pass without them disclosing a secret word – hence password, also called a watchword. Now days we also have pass keys, pass codes and even pass phrases, where spies utter a phrase to prove they're on the right side. Passwords don't even need to be actual words but can be numbers or characters too.

A weak password can be responsible for a lot of pain and one of the main reasons we are hacked.

The first password we'll probably need is the one we use to get into our device. If we share a house, a good password is a thin layer to stopping people using and abusing our machine without our permission.

Likewise, when we configure our Wi-Fi setup and router, a good password with a modern protocol like WPA2 will dissuade hackers. But what is a 'good password'.

I can tell you what it isn't.

It is NOT password.

It is NOT your name and 123, or the year you were born, on the end.

It is NOT the same as your user name.

It is NOT obviously related to you, your life or your work.

It is NOT only four letters long.

It is NOT the same password you use for everything else.

Most experts say a password should be:

• Between 12 and 18 characters long. That's characters not letters.

• They should be changed regularly.

• They should have a mixture of numbers, other symbols and upper and lower case letters.

Google says the most common passwords are:

• Name of pet, child, family member or partner

• Significant dates like birthdays or anniversaries

• Home town or birthplace

• Favourite holiday/vacation destination

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