~Twenty Eight~

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(Triggering subjects)

          "I thought you'll be happy to see me." He whispered, caressing my cheek so intimately that I wanted to gag in disgust. So closing my eyes, I did the only thing I still had control over. I recoiled, moving my head away from his touch, yet I couldn't really move from where I was standing.

          "Stay away from her you disgusting monster, or I'll call the cops on your fuckng ass." Billie growled as she pulled me away, hugging me tightly to her side while staring at him with pure distaste, pure hatred in her glare.

            She was sneering at him, her body so very tense standing next to me. I could tell it was taking a lot from her to just stand there and not jump on him to basically rip him to shreds, or at least gauge his eyes out.

          "I think it would be best if you leave right away and never come back here again." Mrs. Winslet, who was standing on the other side of me, added. In front of me still stood Dexter who had kept his eyes fixed on me as he smiled.

           Everything about him was taking me back to that dreadful night as I found myself back in the cold alley, begging him to let me go, to have pity on me. "You don't want to do this. " I had cried that night.

           "Oh but that's where you're wrong Gwendolyn, because that's exactly what I want to do. And then you can go tell daddy to come after me." He had replied, holding me forcefully against him by my neck, squeezing tightly until I was barely able to breathe.

           Still, I fought and scratched, and screamed out for help and cried. Oh God, how much I had cried, but nothing had seemed to make him want to stop. Instead, the last cry had come from me when he turned me around and punched me in my face so brutally that I heard and felt the bones in my nose Crack under the pressure of his fist punch.

           "Shut the fuck up, Or the next blow would be the last thing you'll ever feel in your stupid privileged life." He had warned me before pushing me roughly against the dirty wall of a store, the area smelling of urine, smoke, garbage and dog sh!t.

           I gagged as he held my head against the gravely wall while I tried to push myself away, which resulted in him using my head as a ball, connecting with the wall a second later. The pain was excruciating, yet I heard that very moment when he pulled down his zipper and pressed his body to mine.

       "Are you ready for this, Gwendolyn?" He had whispered in my ear, a psychotic laugh following a second later.

          And that was why I hated my middle name with such a passion. He had made it dirty, painful to hear. The second my name had come out of his mouth, it had lost all beauty.

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