~Twenty Two~

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   Before we start: Here's is the thing, I, as a "writer", want people to understand about my "work". I want my work to create dialogue among people reading. I want it to shock you enough for you to think it through rationally, before having your views on what's happening. That's my goal. To create healthy dialogue and understanding that we have our own point of view. This is what I'm trying to do here by creating these characters and writing these stories. It is very uncomfortable but the world is so diverse that what is OKAY here, might not be somewhere else.

Lol, that's it for now. I'll pop in again if anything else needs to be said. Lol, I always reply to educated and open minded comments. 🤗😊
    There were a few things that I needed to address. Things like the fact that there was a man presently in my bed.

      The man in question was naked and a sight I never thought I'd see in my life. Not really, maybe not ever.

          There was a moment, as I woke up and noticed the fact that half of my body was lying on Frederick that I panicked; the thought loud in my mind: 'THERE WAS A NAKED FREDERICK IN MY BED!'

         Then I also thought; I had been the one to invite him in my bed. I had felt safe enough to do so. He hadn't pressured me and the fact that he was in my bed meant I was okay with it. So my brain needed to be on the same with my body. This, as much as tried to find ways to refuse it, was something that I wanted. I was ready, finally ready to let the past not define my future. I was tired of feeling miserable and not living. I needed to get my life back into my own hands. This was it, this was beginning of a healing process and it all started with this man. He, who within the matter of a few months was able to penetrate my shields. 'Okay, Eva don't freak out. I repeat DO NOT FREAK OUT!'

        Nope, never mind I was definitely going to freak out, I thought. A huge grin playing on my face as I stared at Frederick lying next to me and totally oblivious of my state.

           My face burned brightly, thinking back to the previous night. No big deal. So what I had sex, consensual sex, with a man; this man currently sleeping beside me.

             My eyes would literally not look anywhere else but at him. Was that what people in love felt all the time? To wake up next to the person who makes you smile the most. What you felt as you watched them knowing that they felt just the same about you. I kept staring at him with a hand propped under my head for support.

         You're staring." A smile appeared on Frederick's gorgeous face. With his eyes closed, I wondered how he knew.

           "I'm sorry, I tried to look away but I physically can not do it." My grin widened and so did his.

           "Are you awake?" I asked him, moving my face even closer to his. I felt his chest rise and fall, softly.

         "I'm trying not to be," he answered lazily. "You're still staring." His left eyelid fluttered open.

          I was. "Sorry." I wasn't. Still, I moved away a little. "How do you know?"

          He shrugged as he stretched his muscles to remove any kinks. "I can sense it."

            Why has he not opened his eyes yet? I wondered but said nothing. I could let him sleep, he obviously was tired. But then I remembered that he had to head off to work, so whether he wanted it or not he had to wake up.

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