Chapter Three

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How Constantine would hold Lukha. Though he is bigger than the cub shown.

Lukha POV

My eyes opened and I started to get antsy. I needed to move and I didn't want to be held anymore. I started to squirm in Constantine's arms. A whine escaped my mouth when he wouldn't let go of me.

I started to lick the back of his neck. I was close enough to slobber all over his skin.  When the patches I were licking got really wet. Constantine jerked to a wake, and held me arm distance away. Scolding eyes gazing upon my form. That didn't stop me though, I wriggled in his arms, desperate to be free.

"You need to learn some patience," he used the hand he wasn't holding me with to wipe the back of his neck. "At least you didn't bite," he mumbled to himself.

He leaned forward and stood up. Still
Holding me by my scruff, but now I was tucked in close to his chest. He took me to another room. That was spacious and had one of those beds.

He plopped down, and finally let me free. I bursted forth from his arms, and started checking the room out. Sniffing at the blankets. Scratching the door. Every so often I would look back at Constantine. His eyes were closed with his hands behind his head. He looked relaxed and not at all worried about what I was doing.

I sniffed the bed and sneezed, clean. Very cautiously I jumped up on it. Watching Constantine all the while. Waiting for a reaction. I got none. He just stayed the same.

I groaned, this was frustrating. What was he waiting for. I laid down at the edge of the bed, my head between my paws. Then, finally I waited.

It was like hunting prey, patience was the key.

Moments went by and I was ready to
Jump him, patience wasn't on my side today. I crawled forward, until I was close to his relaxed face. With my mind finally made up. I reached out my paw and pressed his nose.

It surprised me when a grin blossomed on his face before his eyes opened up. He used a large palm to pull my head close to his lips. Leaving a lingering press to my forehead. "Good boy," he praised and started to pet my back. " you're a fast learner."

I didn't know what to think. All I knew was that I was played.

When I looked up at Constantine again he had something in his hand. It was small and black. With glittery green rocks in a row embedded in it.

I cocked my head when he wrapped it around my throat. He did something so when he pulled  his hand away the object didn't come with him. I felt the weight resting around my neck.

I pawed it, trying to get the uncomfortable thing off. It was constricting and slightly tight. I bent my head to try to bite it off, but I couldn't grasp it with my teeth. Panic started to settle in my gut when everything a tried didn't work.

"It's ok Lukha, it's ok," Constantine pulled my head up, and started massaging my neck

He kneaded his fingers under the collar. Showing me it was loose enough not to choke me. "It's not so bad," he pulled me down so I was splayed out on his chest. My legs and arms spread eagled. Staring deeply in his eyes. "We are almost home, try to relax." I scrunched my eyes in frustration, and yowled. I didn't want to sleep, I had to much energy.

I started to struggle in his arms. Not caring that I was scratching him with my claws. Like disciplining a naughty child. Constantine grabbed my scruff, bringing me close to his face. "Behave," he sternly said bringing me back down on his chest.

I waited until Constantine closed his eyes. The hand on my back loosening up. His mouth almost parting in sleep. With great caution I tried to sink out of his grip, and slither through his arms. I needed to move around.

Just as I was trying to get my head through. Constantine's large hand harshly, without any warning gripped my scruff. I whimpered, I wasn't hurt just scared. And crying out as if I was hurt was my only option. Without a word Constantine calmly moved off the bed. Me still tightly in his one handed grasp. If he was angry he didn't show it.

I slouched in his grip, curling in on myself. As he moved to the other side of the room. He supported my bottom with a large palm.

I felt him bend down and delicately place me in a small inclosed area. When I turned around he locked me inside. It was a cage. I whined a little in frustration. Constantine ignored me, going back to the bed to lay down.

I huffed, curling into a ball and tucking my nose under my tail. Thoughts fogged my mind about why would he leave me in here.

My energy deflated out of my body. I now yawned and moved in close to the corner of the cage. I forced myself to rest knowing time would only fly fast that way.


"-ather my other bags, I will take the important things with me." Constantine's voice woke me up.

I yawned, stretched a little then settled back down to go to sleep.

I felt my cage move a little then a large hand grasped my scruff and pulled me out. Tired, blurry eyes watched Constantine settle me on his chest. So my head rested on his shoulder.

We started walking. The movements lulling me to sleep once again.

I felt Constantine duck. Then a gust of cold wind slapped me on my back. I whimpered. I've never felt this much cold before. The suddenness of the cold caused me to shift painfully to my human form. It was a quick but painful process, and I started to whimper even more when I only got colder.

Constantine pulled me close and covered my body with warmth. I didn't like this form, and when I tried to shift back I couldn't. I tightened my legs around him, and nuzzled my face in his neck. When I dared to look out at the new world. I yelped and hid my face. There was no grass, no crooked trees. I didn't like this change at all.

Constantine rubbed a soothing hand down my back. While ducking to enter a car. He settled down, placing me on his lap. I cocked my head and brought my fingers to my mouth. It felt weird having fingers. I gnawed on them in comfort, but stopped when something chewy was shoved in my mouth. I started to chew on it, instantly recognizing it as the toy I had before.

The relaxing environment calmed my being. I slowly, painfully shifted back to my cheetah form.I curled up on Constantine's thighs, purring when he scratched my neck.

I lost interest in the toy fast. It had already done its job. I stretched my neck up, silently looking around. I curled back down when I rough hand petted my head. "You've learnt your lesson,"Constantine rumbled. I knew I had too.

It was a while before we moved again. Constantine supporting my bottom and grasping my neck, so my chin sat on his shoulder. My body pressed tightly to his left side.

When we stepped out of the car. Loud noises hit me, they made me cringe. Flashes of light, and lots of people talking loudly. If I could my tail would've been curled under my body. My ears already flat. The tried to touch me and talk to me. I trembled in place, I was so scared.

Constantine's POV

I held Lukha close to my body as the crowd parted the way to my home. News traveled fast around here.

I felt him tremble, and soon little chirps erupted from his mouth. I moved my hand so it was covering his eyes and ears.

When I got to the steps of my home I turned to address the cluster of reporters and people.

"I will answer your questions after the party," I announced. Turning to head in my home, ignoring the sounds.

When I got inside. There were two things I noticed.

One, my family was sitting neatly on my couches.

And two, my shirt was drenched in piss.

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