Chapter Five

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Lukha POV

My eyes crinkled open when a soft, ray of sunshine kissed my lids. I was curled up on a comfy surface. With my body bundled up in a ball.

New scents erupted my nose. Fresh, nostril stinging scents I wasn't used too. Some of them were calming, but the others agitated me. I pawed my snout in discomfort.

It was quiet, not silent, but quiet. The creaking of the floor, and the soft breaths of the occupant on the bed above me. I tangled myself free from my limbs.

Cautiously, with my head low. I hunkered towards the breaths of human air. From the scent on the blankets I knew it was Constantine.

I moved near the large arm dangling down and limp from the bed. The muscles in the fingers and bicep were relaxed, and the fingers curled slightly into a fist.

I wearily licked one of the fingers closest to me. Sniffing and grooming the appendage. Constantine shifted, and I tensed. He grasped me by my scruff with the hand I was licking, and pulled me up to his chest.

He had no clothes covering his chest, or his lower body. I liked it better this way. I felt more comfortable with his natural skin and not a barrier covering the contact.

I crawled closer to his face, and buried my head in the curvature of his neck and shoulder. I nipped the skin there. Impatient.

Constantine ran a large palm down my back."I know you're hungry Lukha." He ruffled my head."I know."

He moved off the bed and into a stand. Pulling up a piece of cloth to cover his lower body. I settled my head over his thick shoulder. Purring as he brushed subtle fingers through my fur.

Striding down the wooden floor. We arrived in the main room. My body perked up when I heard the singing of a bird outside the clear glass. The sky was blue, and layers of green trimmed grass hairs scattered the vastness of the area. There were a lot of trees, sprouting green buds, and blooming colorful, flowers.

Constantine placed me down at his feet. He opened cabinets and a cool refrigerator, gathering various foods. I sat still, my head cocked to the side. Watching his every move.

He moved over to the table and sat. I stumbled along behind him. Until I looked up at him once again.

He used a large palm and grasped me under my belly. He pulled me up and sat me on his lap.

I propped my head up on the table, staring at the delicious smelling food.

"You can eat, but you need to shift into your human form." He brushed a hand down my back.

I whined, shaking his hand off me. With the snapping and bending of bones. I sat in his lap in my human form.

He ruffled my hair. Bringing a shiny fork to my mouth. Filled with food.

I snatched the food, chewing and swallowing it quickly.

The morning went on like this. Until there was no more food left.

"Let's get you dressed." He stood up and I wrapped my legs around him. Holding onto his shoulders and biceps for support.

He laid me down on the bed. Pulling shorts that looked like his over my bottom and settling at my hips. He guided my arms and legs through some other cloth, until I was completely covered.

He dressed himself in his regular attire. A form fitting suit.

Pulling me in his arms, he strode down past the kitchen. Opening the door into the outdoors.

I looked in ernest at the vast area. I clawed Constantine's back, wiggling in his grip. I want to run.

I felt a itch in my legs, and I started to whine. "Please.." I whispered.

He stopped his ascent towards the car. Pulling my head back and looking into my eyes. "Please," I tried again but a lot more sure of myself.

Without a word he placed my human legs on the grass. I curled my toes, marveling the feel of the grass between the appendages.

He held my waist as I rocked back forth a grin on my face. I tried to move my leg out. With the help of Constantine at my back I managed a smooth walking gait. My feet curling in the grass with each step.

He let my waist go. I walked on my own  a few steps. I tried to speed up my feet into a run,but I got unbalanced and tumbled to the ground.

Constantine stood above me in a second,"you alright?"

A laugh bubbled out of my throat and Into the world. I smiled, rolling around in the grass. My arms spread out, the sun shining down on my upturned face.

I looked up at Constantine. He had the ghosting of a smile on his lips. I laughed even more. My wild soul dancing in my skin.


Constantine's POV

I watched Lukha roll around in the grass every which way. A smile on his face. This is the first time I've seen him like this.

With my hands on my hips I let him enjoy this moment.

He flopped down on his back. His hair wild and free around his serene face, sparkling green eyes, and lips curved in a joyous smile.

He held his arms up to me. I swooped down pulling him in my arms again. He smuggled into me. Giving a gentle lick on my neck. His way of thanking me.

His free spirit finally content, but only for a little while.

I got in the waiting the car. "To the vets," I said to my driver. He nodded his head. Pulling out of the drive.

Lukha still had a smile on his, and I couldn't help but smile a little too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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