Chapter 3

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It was silent when I came to.

My head spun when I tried to lift it and my mouth felt like cotton. A sudden pain shot through my neck and I bit down on my lip. I gathered my strength and lifted myself up onto my elbows. I felt the familiar leather seats under my palms and I knew I was still in the car.

I couldn't tell if we were still moving since the world around me tilted from side to side.

A flash of movement from the corner of my eye and the sound of a door closing caused me to look towards the driver's seat. It was dark but I could tell that the seat was unoccupied.

The door behind me suddenly opened and someone yanked me from the car. My legs felt weak and I tried not to trip over my feet as Marshall all but dragged me towards the agency.

The agency.

I felt lost; everything I'd come to know was a complete lie. An innocent little boy was almost kidnapped tonight, his father almost killed. My whole life, I was told that we were the key to bringing peace to the world, but how could that be?

Marshall opened the door to our meeting room and shoved me in. I stumbled slightly but regained my balance. The drug from the needle was beginning to lose its effect on me.

"What is going on, Marshall?" Dominus demanded.

Dominus had everyone in the room, he was probably explaining the relocation. Everyone was staring at us, no doubt wondering why we'd made such a dramatic entrance.

"Bella will never be an operative. She is not one of us." Marshall said.

Everyone stared at him in shock while Dominus studied my face.

"For what reason?" He asked.

"She ruined the assignment. She fought me and let the target and the recruit go." He said hostilely.

I heard a few gasps from around the room. The other operatives and trainees probably couldn't imagine why I would do such a thing. They were brought up the same way that I was, believing that we were working towards the same goal.

"It isn't true, what Dominus tells you." I spoke up. Everyone turned their gazes to me. "None of it. We aren't bringing peace, we're killing people. And kidnapping children? Dominus, everything you've told us is a lie."

Several pairs of eyes widened in warning at me. No one talked to Dominus like that.

He brought a hand up and rubbed his jaw, still studying me. "We eliminate those who do not belong. They disturb the order of the world, we bring peace by removing them."

"They're innocent people. What gives you the authority to decide who belongs and who doesn't?" I asked.

A slap filled the quiet room as the back of his hand hit my cheek. There was a slight sting but nothing I couldn't handle. I looked at him and it was like I was seeing him for the first time.

This man who I'd been taught to respect was now nothing to me. I was told he knew what was best, it would be a mistake to question him. But now I knew the truth. He was cruel and uncaring of anyone but himself.

This enemy group that was after us must have been his reasoning behind expanding the specialists group. As our leader, he would likely be their main target. He wanted to build a wall of operatives around him, to protect himself.

"You will not speak to me like that." He said calmly before sighing. "What a disappointment. I had such high hopes for you, Bella. One of the most talented prodigia I've had."

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