Chapter 22

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My phone was buzzing, the screening lighting up with activity. Sebastian's name flashed on the screen and I sighed. I knew he'd have questions for me, especially since I'd avoided seeing him all day.

I wasn't sure how to act around him after he'd kissed me the day before. I had been avoiding him, making sure our paths didn't cross in the hallways and even skipping our normal meeting in the music room at lunch.

It was the third time he'd called me since I had arrived home that Friday afternoon. I kept telling myself that I wasn't answering because I had to prepare for my therapy session, but I knew that wasn't true. I didn't know what to say to him.

Being around him made me feel different. It was a feeling that was so easy to grow comfortable, and that was what made me so hesitant to embrace it. It took weeks to feel that way in the presence of my own parents, but with Sebastian it was different. It had been so easy until now.

Now I didn't know what to do. I wished I could ask Angela for advice, but she would only get upset and tell me to leave Sebastian alone. I may not have known how to deal with what was happening, but I knew I didn't want to cut Sebastian out of my life.

Biting my lip, I picked up my phone. I'd have to face him sometime, I knew.

I hit answer on the screen and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered quietly.

"You've been avoiding me." He commented, skipping a greeting all together.

My shoulders dropped in an early defeat. I could deny it easily, but what would be the point when we both knew it was true?

"I'm sorry." I apologized. He'd been a good friend to me, my only friend, and I wasn't being very grateful.

"Don't apologize, Bella." He said immediately, his smooth voice causing a flutter in my stomach. "Actually I was calling so that I could apologize to you. I crossed the line yesterday."

I slowly paced my room, thinking over his words. He'd crossed the line? What line? Maybe this was why I had been so confused about certain things being shared between friends. That had been the line he crossed.

That was why he had apologized yesterday, and why he was apologizing now. I couldn't ignore the sudden dip in my mood at his apology.

"You don't have to apologize either, Sebastian." I told him. "I understand. Sort of."

"I just felt really guilty when I realized-" he began. I could practically hear the regret dripping from each word. "I didn't even think about what you might've wanted, it was kind of just in the moment. I hope I didn't ruin anything for you."

I paused in my pacing. "What do you mean? What could you have ruined?"

I heard him shift on the other end. "Well, I figured that must have been your first kiss, right?"

"Um," I slowly sat on my bed, trying to figure out what he was implying. "Yes, it was."

He cleared his throat. "Most girls want their first kiss to be just a little more romantic than sitting in a hallway at school. Isn't that why you shut me out?"

Was my first kiss meant to be significant? No one had told me. Was it different than other kisses following it?

"That isn't why I left." I said softly, still trying to sort everything out in my mind.

"What's going on then, Bella? You avoided me all day." He questioned, sounding slightly hurt.

"I-" I shook my head. "I was confused, I- well, I still am."

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