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I know, I know.

A new story without finished my others? Sorry, I just felt like it. And I started the arranged marriage phase nearly 6 years ago so now to time to start the divorce phase. 

"Are you writing everything down?"

My eyes flickered open, and my heart froze. Oh crap. 

I sat up trying to pay attention but it wasn't my fault that my body didn't want to pay attention to a meeting late in the afternoon. Who even holds meetings after seven p.m. This was generally my dedicated one hour of nap time on the train going home. Instead I was attending this late teleconference trying to stay focused and take notes, but it was so had

I looked to the window in the meeting room, it was pitch black and I wondered how long we had been in this meeting. Surely it had been two hours and it was nine p.m., definitley my bed time. All I could think about was my comfortable mattress as home waiting for me, it's blankets were beckoning to me. 

The throat next to me cleared and I looked at the impatient man with narrowed eyes, a man who definitley didn't like repeating anything so I quickly remembered his question.

"Yes." I said looking at my empty page, there wasn't a single word, but there were four doodles so I guess that was something. My boss, Gabriel, focused on the man talking on the screen and I turned to a new page pretending to take notes. There was nothing of great importance that Gabriel could take away from this presentation.

Gabriel knew everything already about this business, after all he made it successful in twelve months and now he had a global expansion on his mind. 

He was a man with numerous doctorate in business, accounting and financing so what more does he need to know? I could feel his grey eyes on me so I kept writing, surely he can't see my gibberish words?

The old man on the screen continued talking about the successful way to run a business, again Gabriel had that down packed and his staff were generally very well qualified, I mean, I wasn't but the others were. 

The coffee machine across the room was staring at me, would it be worth drinking my seventh cup or would my heart explode? I was already jittery from the cup I had before this meeting started, but it wasn't keeping me awake. Perhaps I was immune to this intoxicating brown liquid. 

Getting up to get coffee also meant that I had to get up and go there, no doubt everyone looking at me as any movement was more exciting than this boring lecture. Why can't they give breaks in meetings, surely they understand that people need breaks...why can't they be like university lectures with a break half way in between. Or perhaps...we weren't even half way into this lecture.

I silently groaned, and Gabriel of course heard it.


I sat up nodding, fine, I'll write. 

The fundamental key of keeping stakeholders interested in your business-light light you're my flashlight, yeah, yeah. 

Oh shit. I scribbled out the lyrics, god damn it Rory, focus. I need coffee. I looked up to see Gabriel was definitely staring at me from the corner of his eye making sure I was writing so I continued. Just listen to the man, write it on the page, it's not that hard. You don't need a degree, I told myself, but for someone that was up from four in the morning, my brain refused to cooperate with me. 

How can my own body deceive me like this. 

I slouched in my chair trying to get to a more comfortable position, sitting still for two hours made my upper back hurt, I really needed to go visit my chiro.

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