Chapter 8

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Hey everyone! Vickironica here! This is probably going to be the last chapter of this fanfic for a while, seeing as I'm busy writing other ones. But if there's enough reviews or votes or whatever people do that's awesome on here or something then I wouldn't mind writing another chapter. 

So apparently when I was trying to think of a final enemy for this story or something I said "Giant Chibi Lord" to my friend and she was horrified. I had meant to say "Giant Mochi Lord" instead and she was horrified at that too. I was just laughing at her reaction... It was kinda funny...


"So how do ve reverse the spell?" Germany asked the British twins.

"Apparently all we need to do is cook a potion. But in order to do that we need a certain herb called Slover, and I don't know where they grow." Arthur explained.

"Wait a second. . . I know that name! America grows it in his garden for his salads!" Oliver came to the rescue.

Alfred was utterly confused. "What do you mean salad? I have a strict diet of hamburgers and coke, plus the occasional side of fries! Hahahahaha!"

Oliver sighed. "Not you. Allen. We'll need him to get some for us. Which brings us to our second spell. But we'll need to test it on someone to make sure my theory is correct."

Matthew asked, "What do you mean?"

"I was thinking that if something happens to, let's say Matthew, the same thing would happen to Matt." Oliver had a pretty good theory.

"So what are you going to do to us exactly?" Matt was worried.

"Chibi." was all he said.

Silence filled the room until Matthew broke it. "Okay. If it'll help Prussia- both of them, I'll do it. You fine with this Matt?"

"Uh, yeah. If you're fine with it." Matt agreed.

"Excellent!" Oliver opened his book and mumbled a spell. It was in another language so Matthew didn't understand it even if he could hear it.

As soon as the spell finished, there was a puff of yellow smoke surrounding the Canadians. "Hey Mattie, you okay?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine." The smoke disappeared to show 7 year old twins. They stared at each other for a while.

". . . Wow. You're so . . . cute." Matt told Matthew. He blushed.

Matthew smiled, "You too."

Oliver interrupted. "As I suspected. I only cast the spell on Matthew but Matt was turned into a chibi as well."

"So vhat do you plan to do vith zhat information zhen?" Germany asked.

"Well if it worked on the Canadians then it'll probably work on America and Italy and Romano and all the others. Though we will need some adults as well." Ollie was on a roll.

"Dude! That sounds like a great plan! Glad I thought of it! Hahaha!" Alfred made everyone silently sigh.

Matt spoke. "Not to interrupt, but when are you going to change us back?"

Oliver replied, "Would you mind staying that way for a little bit longer? You might be able to talk some sense into Allen if you're both kids. Plus he only listens to you."

"Well, I guess you're right." Matt replied.

"Arthur spoke for the first time in a while. "Alright. I'll cast the spell an Alfred this time. I know what your plan is now."

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