Chapter 1 - The Levingtons

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Rosaline Levington (AKA Rose, five years old): 

Rose glanced out the window of their estate, extended a hand outwards to touch the glass, feeling its coldness seep into her palm. Even though the warm morning sun gleamed, the temperature outside was frigid. 

Below, autumn leaves danced across their tidy lawn like playing fairies. Red, orange, yellow painted the rustic scenery. 

Pretty, Rose thought, as she soaked in the romantic view from the third floor. 

Rose observed the gardener round up the crisp leaves into small manageable piles. She noticed people walking in and out of the estate, hauling furniture here and there.   

It had been lively lately with everyone preparing for the upcoming festivities. A season for celebration, her mama says. 

Her eyes that scanned across the lawn stopped at a mysterious figure hiding behind one of many manicured evergreens near the building. Rose leaned into the window for a closer look. The warmth of her breath, however, quickly fogged up the glass, obscuring her view. She hastily wiped the screen away with the sleeve of her dress.

Just as she peered back at the mysterious figure below, his face came into view. Rosey pink lips. Small button nose. The boy's shaggy brown hair concealed his eyes. 


It had been her brother, Elliott, hiding behind the tall bush. Rose tapped the chilled glass to get his attention. At the second hard knock, Elliott looked upwards, towards her. She could see his baby blue eyes now glittering in the sun. 

One finger went in front of his smiling lips in a gesture that called for silence.

Elliott winked at her before dashing away, towards the other side of the estate. Now, what is he up to? Hide and seek, she surmised.

"Rosaline, have you seen your brother anywhere?" Ann said, treading towards her. Her long curly blonde ponytail swayed behind her. "Elliott will get me into trouble again. I can't keep chasing him like this. There is much work to be done. I do not want William scowling me again," complained the frantic maid, "oh please, do tell me you saw him." 

Giving it a second of thought, Rose shrugged her shoulders that told the maid 'too bad, I can't tell you.'

"Please, Rosaline," Ann begged. "If you tell me... I will make you your favorite pudding." The women knew how to negotiate.

Without hesitation, Rose pointed to the direction her brother had run off to.

"Hiding outside I see?" the young maid said with a smirk on her face. "Thank you, Rosaline! I must be off now." Rose watched Ann scurry down the extensive corridor until she was out of sight.

Clarence emerged from his study, chuckling lightly. He had just witnessed their little interaction a few seconds ago. 

"Papa!" Rose gave her papa a big smile. Clarence scooped her up into his loving arms and kissed her forehead. 

"Let us see what your mother is doing." He carried her down the winding staircase, into the reading room. 

Viola was sitting on the comfy loveseat, a book in her hands. She was too absorbed in her reading that she did not notice them entering.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Clarence said. Viola's face lit up the instant she'd heard his voice. Eyes sparkling with delight, she placed a slip of paper in between the pages before closing her book and placing it on the armrest. 

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