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(how i imagine Lucius would look

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(how i imagine Lucius would look... 乂❤‿❤乂 beautifully mysterious.)



Hot—too hot for comfort.

The scorching heat became unbearable against his skin. Dark plumes of smoke smothered the air like a thick sultry blanket. With a light flick of his hand, Lucius willed the fumes away. But just as quickly as it dispelled, the smoke came flooding back into the grand hall.

"How suffocating."

No matter where he turned, all that he saw were the demonic flames, greedily devouring his once magnificent palace. The grand edifice now entirely engulfed in raging fire. The bodies of his faithful servants littered the floor. Lucius could not do anything but watch as everything fell into ruin. In due course, all will be destroyed—digested down into nothing but useless heaps of soot and rubble. Flakes of charred flesh peeled from his burnt, blistered body. Tears left Lucius's dry stinging eyes uncontrollably. 

None of it mattered. 

The only thing that was of any importance to him was the person he needed to save--the person he needed by his side. She was here no doubt, her soul was calling out to him as his was to her. Lucius could sense her ever fading presence beyond the fortress of flames. 

He closed his eyes. Focused. Then he heard her. Beneath all the chaos, he heard her.  

"My love... where... are you? I need... you." 

Her weak desperate cry had him surging forward, into the hellish inferno.  

What he saw on the other side broke his heart. 

Vivian was sprawled on the marble floor, beaten and bloody. Her usual flawless porcelain skin was now covered with cuts and burns. Vivian's left arm was twisted at an awkward angle. Broken. A leg sat a couple of feet away, detached from its owner.

Lucius could not believe the gruesome sight before him. He felt nauseated. 

"You're too late," someone said. Lucius failed to notice the human standing beside his love. The man with lengthy white hair studied Vivian, his back facing Lucius. 

No. She was still alive. Just barely, but alive. 

"Get away from her!" Lucius screamed. The man slowly turned to him, his face expressionless, his eyes cold. 

Marcellus Levington--Lucius recognized him the moment their eyes met. 

Though Marcellus appeared to be calm, Lucius could see the fermenting bloodlust seep from his icy blue eyes. Power and rage emanated from Marcellus like crushing waves. Lucius felt it. 

It alone was enough to stymie his advance. Marcellus took a few steps towards him. Lucius took a  few steps back. Not from fright, but from the shear force that Marcellus expelled. He clenched his jaws.

Bringing one hand up in front of him, Lucius conjured all of his power into a dense sphere of energy and then let the destructive orb fly--the sphere whistled through the air as it made its way to its target. 

Just before the thing could strike, Marcellus snapped his fingers and everything went blank.

Lucius was momentary blinded by a flash of pure white light. 

When his eyes readjusted, he saw Marcellus, still standing, perfectly unharmed. Lucius tried the same thing again, but like before, Marcellus snapped his fingers and the orb was gone, vaporized into thin air. No harm fell upon the man.

Marcellus now stood an arms length away from Lucius. The man's burly hands sprung out and gripped tightly onto Lucius's neck. 

Lucius resorted to kicking, punching, clawing. But regardless of what he did, he could not free himself from the iron grip. He could not get pass the merciless man. Lucius even choked out a beg, but Marcellus ignored it and flung Lucius into a brick wall. 

He struggled to stand. But knowing that time was of the essence and that he could not afford to waste any more of it fighting Marcellus, through clenched teeth, he forced himself up.

I must get to her before... he thought.

Panic raced through his veins when he can no longer sense his sweet beloved. For the briefest moment, everything came to a halt. The flames froze. The world around him stilled. 

Lucius was too late. 

She had died... along with his unborn child. His sweet child. Their bond was severed; the other half of his soul was gone. Forever. Hollowness enveloped his entire being. 

Everything came crashing back like a tidal wave. 

Lucius felt his soul savagely tearing into two. It was more painful than anything he'd ever experience. He began to convulse violently on the cold hard ground. 

Marcellus merely stood there, observing him with hateful eyes as he cried out in agony.  


Lucius woke up from the same nightmare for the thousandth time to find himself chained down in the same morbid cellar. Nothing had changed. 

A familiar aching pain in his chest had begun to manifest itself. He screamed a strangled scream. He cried until he felt numb and empty. 

How long has it been since that happened? he wondered.

He'd lost track of time long ago. 

The only thing he knew is the cold darkness that surrounds him and of the memories that continued to haunt him, even as he slept. 

They will pay. Those sick fucking bastards will pay dearly for what they've done. 

The thought replayed in his mind over and over again. He will take back what was rightfully his. And more. When I breaks out of this hell hole, he promised to himself, I will personally rip their bloody throats and piece their bodies to shreds. 

"It will be a bloodbath, I swear on it." Lucius croaked. 


Author's note: THANK YOU for reading!!! V(^_^)V This is my first story and i'd love to know what you think. Was it poorly written? Similar to another work? Lacking? Feel free to leave a comment or a cup of pudding. ☆~~ヾ(>▽<)ノ。・☆ 

Music: Panic at the disco-Emperor's new cloth 

♪♪♪Welcome to the end of eras
Ice has melted back to life
Done my time and served my sentence
Dress me up and watch me die
If it feels good, tastes good
It must be mine
Dynasty decapitated
You just might see a ghost tonight And if you don't know now you know I'm taking back the crown
I'm all dressed up and naked
I see what's mine and take it...♪♪♪

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