Chapter 16: A game of cat and mouse

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"What do we have here?" He purred, pushing the hangers to the side with his hands, his eyes looked on me like he was the hunter and I was the pray.

I had never felt so paralyzed with fear before. My mouth had gone dry, and I was shaking from head to toe, I thought I might of blacked out with how fast my heart was beating. I moved back a little, and my hand ran across something medal by my dress. Keeping my attention towards him, I ran my fingers across the object once again, and my heart leaped into my throat. No wonder Heath had been touching me so much, he slide a fork right into the belt of my dress out of view. I could use this as a chance to escape. Slowly locking my fingers around the object, and within a blink of a eye, I drove the fork right into his arm and that made him let out a cry and stumble back word, bumping into a shelve of clothing.

"You little brat!" He yelled as I quickly got up and ran. Hearing his loud curses as I jumped over the busted door, running down the hall.

"Sean! Ayden!" The man's voice yelled. Who know forks could be such a good weapon for a second like that.

Without even waiting for Ayden and someone called Sean, I slipped into a door that was rarely used and pulled it shut quietly just as I heard the sound of echoing feet hitting the stairs as they traveled up. I looked in the room that I had stepped into and my jaw fell open. It was Chip's room. I'm so dead! I yelled at myself in my head as I heard Chip speak.

"Wait wait. She stabbed you with a fork? A fork?" He was laughing and I quickly made my way towards the window, trying to pull it open but it wouldn't move. I ran my fingers around trying to find a lock that was on it that was possibly keeping it from opening but nothing.

"Let's split up. Sean, go help Mason zip tie the others and get them loaded will Forest here and I find our little mouse." He said that part a little louder, just for me to hear. I looked around for something else to use but there was nothing. I was slowly running out of time.

The cat and mouse game was on. I heard doors being opened, things smashing and shouting muffs from downstairs. I kept on the far side of the room, my eyes staying locked on the door in front of me. I was not going down without a fight, if it's a game they want to play, so be it.


Chip's POV

Chip moved slowly through each room, a empty tranquilizer in hand. He wasn't going to shut this slave with it. He had some tip of feeling towards her, even though she was one stumper thing, he liked her. She had strong spirit, for stabbing Forest, that's for sure. After he made sure the room was clear, he slowly made his way down the hall, and by slowly, very slow, he was looking at the ground, listening to everything. The creaking of the floor, his own breathing, everything. He know she was hiding, but it was the matter of setting out the bate, and getting her to tug on the string. Plus, he only had a few hours before everyone down stairs decided to wake up. He licked his lips, stopping in place as he heard what sounded like feet slowly moving around. He looked between the two doors he was standing by, his room, and some random room he didn't know who belonged too. Turning his attention towards his door, he looked to see Forest was looking his way too, he heard it too. With a slight wave, he pointed towards his bedroom door, and Forest nodded. He was really hoping she hadn't gone in his room. Placing his hand lightly on the doorknob, looking at Forest on last time, making sure he was ready, he nodded and with that, Chip turned the knob, and pushed the door open with a slight creak.

He looked around his room as he slowly entered, it looked untouched for now, but he know she was in here, something was off. Forest slowly made his way towards his closet and pulled the doors opened, looking around. Nothing. She was playing the game right back, that made Chip chuckle and look around more.

"Come on sweetie, old Chippy here isn't going to hurt you." He said speaking up and looking around.

Nothing, not even a peep.

He huffed and walked over to his bed, slowly kneeling down, he yanked up the sheets and looked under his bed, nothing but a cloud of darkness. She was good, too good. He thought she would of given up by now but no, she wanted to play, and so she shall. He looked around the room, checking every spot she could be hiding in, but nothing so fare. He looked at Forest who just shook his head and returned to searching. Just when Chip was about to turn on the light to the bathroom, a loud scream came from the hall, and Chip was the first to check it out. Just as he stepped into the hall way, he leaned backward as a bucking leg almost smacked him in the face. When he looked back over to see who was bucking. He raised his eye brows seeing Mason hold Sklyer, who was screaming. He then placed his hand over her mouth and muffed her screams as he looked over at Chip, smiling.

"I saw her slip by who guys like butter." He laughed as the servant soon had a water fall of tears coming from her eyes.

"Now get the needle before she bit- ouch!" He yelled pulling his hand away from her mouth, growling a little.

"She bit me!" He yelled and before Chip know it, she was pushed into his arms and he locked her in. She was still bucking but he wasn't going to let her slip.

"Easy, easy." He whispered in her ear trying to easy her but that only made her let out a sob.

"P-plea-se" She begged after she let out a few more kicks.

"Don't worry, you're just going to take a little nap. That's all." He said as he nodded at Forest, who reached from behind his back and pulled out a syringe, and she let out a loud cry, trying to get out of his grip but he just placed his hand lightly over her mouth, and braced her body for the syringe. She didn't take to kindle to that and her leg swung right up, nailing Mason right where the sun didn't shine. He hunched over and let out a little whimper.

"Forest, NOW!" Chip yelled and he got her ready, and it was a good thing too, because as soon as that syringe was pressed into her neck, she bucked one last time as Forest pressed the liquid into her system.

It was only a few moments, before her she started to calm down a little, her knees began to shack and her head fell back helplessly onto his shoulder blade, her weak eyes fighting to stay awake looking up at his as she sank into his ready arms.

"Shh, it's okay. Just relax and close your eyes." He said sweetly and putting his hand over her eyes. Her breath went slow and soon, her body went limp, Chip picking her up bridal style. He then turned to the side looking down at Mason who was on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"You okay, buddy?" He asked and in return, Mason giving him a thumbs up.

"Been-better." He mumbled.

Forest and Chip just laughed and Chip took his sleeping Skyler down the stairs, looking up to see that Sean was just finishing up with zip tying the last servant. Looking at Skyler, he smiled, she looked so peaceful. The only reason he didn't shot a dart into her was because she was his princess, and he didn't want to hurt her. Even if she was stubborn. She would give up soon, real soon.

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