Chapter 17: Gone

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Whatever they had put into me, was in me for more than 24 hours. How do I know this? Because I woke up at least four times, the fourth time was the worst, I had awaken up to a large headache, my head feeling like my head was going to burst open. The pain had caused me to let out a painful moan and that got someone's attention. I know that we were in some type of van, due to the floor humming and the car bouncing up and down a few times, ya, it was fun. Especially went you couldn't really move and you went sliding into someone, not knowing who it is, and all you get in response was a groan or a grunt.

"Stop here."

"I'm not stopping, we can't have them wake up on the road!"

"Do it now or so help me."

"Fine. Don't get your nuts in a knot."

I had no idea who the voices belonged to, only that they kept on echoing inside my head and I wanted to cry out but I bit down on my tongue instead. I felt the car come to rocking stop and the sound of a door opening and soon a soft 'bang' following behind it. I wanted to look to see who I was with but my body felt like rubber and I couldn't move. The doors to be back opened and the sun came shining in making me close my eyes. A cold hand pressing onto my forehead making my shutter.

"Pain killer." The voice said and I didn't want to open my eyes to see who it was.

It was silent for a little as I heard shuffling and soon, someone was behind me, lifting me so I was sitting up and that made me whimper, my head falling to my shoulder. I had absolutely no strength to hold it up due to whatever those idiots put in me. I soon felt a hand lift up my chin and some more shuffling.

"Okay, let's see if this well work.." The voice said.

Before I could understand what they meet, someone opened my mouth and a small pill was slipped in, a flow of water following behind it. I was not prepared so I'm sure you can guess want happened, I spat out the water right on the person, coughing and that made me get a few curses in return. Great.

Someone cursed and I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was but it sounded like Tobias's voice. I wanted to open my eyes but they soon felt like heavy bricks were placed on them and just as someone started talking, I slipped into the hungry darkness waiting for me, my body going limp in the man's arms. It was going to be a bit before I would wake up again.

I had never felt so out of it before. The next time I finally decided to wake up, it took me a little to open my eyes, my hair covering most of my face as I had my face pressed into my shoulder. That made my eyes slowly open. I wasn't able to do that before. Slowly moving my arm, I saw were I was, I squinted, questioning if I was fully out of it or this was real. I slowly sat up, looking down and seeing nice covers and I ran my hand across it lightly. Where the heck was I? I looked around the room and swung my feet off the bed and swallowed, seeing that I was out of the dress and in different clothing. Looking at myself up and down, I noticed that the pants I was wearing stopped just a few inches below my knees. I did not want to know who changed me.

That was when I heard what sounded like a shower running and I turned my head to see that a door was closed, a fate light coming from under it and I swallowed hard. I know of only one person who could be in there, Chip, which meet if he was in there, that this was all real. That was when I noticed a flat screen TV connected up to the wall, a lady sitting down with a square box next to her that had a picture of police tape in it. That was when it hit me right in the face, it was the news. I quickly leaped to the floor not hearing the clinging that followed as I tried to step closer and as I went to move my right leg to the front, and it was stopped. I looked back to see that a very long handcuff was locked around my ankle, and connected to the bed. Of course, he didn't trust me. I just grumped and looked back at the TV, noticed that the lady's mouth was moving, but nothing was coming out of the TV, which meet it was on mute.

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