Part 6

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Since the proposal it had been getting colder in the Tower and Y/N often found herself on her couch curled up with a blanket and a book late at night keeping herself warm. Some nights her dad or Wanda would come in and they would talk but for the most part she was alone at night. Ever since the kiss she couldn't stop thinking about Pietro, even though she promised Wanda she would she just couldn't. She had hardly seen him and it was starting to bother her. Right after the kiss everything was normal then after the proposal and engagement party he started acting completely different. Pietro had first and foremost been her friend and that was not something she wanted to give up. She was attracted to him, and the kiss they shared left her feeling tingly and warm, but she didn't want that to affect her friendship. She hadn't really seen him since the party. He never came to her room or her lab and when they did see each other around the tower it was nothing more than impersonal greetings and less then sincere partings between them.

Y/N was actively trying to take Wanda's advice and let him work through the things he needed to but just sitting around thinking about him was really starting to drive her up a wall so when she got a call from a friend who was in town she jumped at the chance to meet up with him. When he first got into town they would just casually see each other during the day at the park or just take a walk but tonight they were going on a date. He had asked her when they last saw each other if she was seeing someone and though she was wishing she could say yes she told him no and he asked if he could take her to dinner. She didn't see any harm in that and so there she stood in her room getting ready while Wanda sat on the couch talking to her.

"And how do you know this man?"

"Why don't you just read my mind and find out?"

"I have but I want to know if you will tell me the truth."

"Alright.We met a few years ago while I was traveling Europe having a cultural education. I stopped in England for a few days to visit an old tutor of mine, he is her nephew and when I told him about my trip he asked if I needed a companion and said that he had always wanted to travel around the continent so I brought him with me."

"Is that all there is to the story?"

"We also may have had a fling while traveling but that's not really important is it?"

"I guess not. Though I still am partial to you and my brother the people on the internet call it something along the lines of 'shipping' but I know it is your choice.

"I still am in to your brother but with the way he is acting right now. I am going insane. Besides it's one date and I don't even like this guy that much. It's just to get my mind off things. And anyway he will be gone in a few days so really what does it matter."

"It does not matter I was just curious I guess."

"Alright well then I am going to go I don't want to be late. Oh and if you could not tell your brother that would be great. I don't know how he feels or if he feels anything but I don't want to make things worse."

"I can manage that. Now go have fun on your date."


Y/N made her way into the restaurant finding her date waiting for her by the door.

"Oh goodness I'm sorry, am I late? I thought I would walk and enjoy the air I should have taken a taxi."

"No you're not late I was early I wanted to be sure I was here when you got here."

"Well I hope I didn't have you waiting too long, come on lets go inside." He opened the door and the two walked in together and were quickly seated.

"It must be nice to say your last name and have people jump."

"Well sometimes they jump and sometimes they scream, and not in a good way. Not everyone is a fan of the Avengers. My father especially. The Quinjet isn't even allowed to fly over Belgium anymore."

"That's a shame I remember Belgium was one of your favorite places during our trip."

"It was. Though the chocolate may have had something to do with that." The two laughed and continued to talk through their meals.

"Wow this has been great. We and get the check and get going whenever you're ready I just need to head to the restroom really quickly so I will be right back. "Y/N stood up to make her way to the restrooms and just when she was out of sight her date grabbed her purse and began to paw through it.

"Are you looking for something?"

"Oh no I was just..."

"You were just what? Looking for some lipstick? I only have red in there it would clash with your tie."

"No I was..."

"Come on spit it out tell me the truth."

"I was looking for the flash drive about project S.W.A.T. I know you keep it with you at all times. My employer is very interested in it and when you wouldn't sell it to him at the celebration party after your father nearly destroyed the planet he asked me to get close with you again and take it from you."

"You know you are really bad at being the bad guy. I hardly had to push you to get you to tell me your secrets. Who do you work for?"

"I think you and the Avengers know my employer very well."

"That's not an answer. Who do you work for?"

"You wouldn't know them and besides it's not important. Hydra has fallen remember?"

"You know what Vince, how about you hand over my purse and go back to your 'employer' and the two of us will pretend this never happened. It's the best situation for you because if I don't forget about this then you will have my father to deal with, and let me tell you he doesn't need a suit to hurt you."

With that Y/N took back her purse and started to walk back to the tower, taking the long way and not arriving back until well after midnight. Once she was inside she started to cry. She had no idea why, she wasn't sad or upset about the situation but she couldn't control her tears.

She walked back to her room with tears streaming down her face when she heard a voice from down the hall.

"Y/N?"She looked up to see Pietro's head sticking out of the doorway to the library.

"Oh. Hello Pietro I didn't expect anyone to still be awake."

"I would not be but you know, bad dreams again."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It is alright do not worry about me. What is wrong with you? Why are you crying?" He began to walk down the hall towards her.

"Well I went on a date tonight. I didn't even really like the guy all that much I thought of him as more of a friend than a relationship but I went, I need to get my mind off of someone else, turns out he was only trying to get information about project S.W.A.T. for his 'employer'. I don't even think I am that sad. Just frustrated. Not that you can tell with me I am an emotional crier. I even cry when I'm mad."

"I have noticed. But if it helps any, he was a silly man to try stealing from a women as sweet and as smart as you."

"Thanks Piet. It was nice talking to you again but I really need to go shower and wash my face, get out of this terrible uncomfortable clothing, and calm down a little bit. I will see you tomorrow though yeah?"

"Of course."

"Goodnight Pietro. Try to get some sleep."

"I will try. Goodnight Y/N."

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