Part 8

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The snow began to pile up as December took over New York. It may have been early in December but it was defiantly late in the season to start buying Christmas presents but seeing as Y/N was a procrastinator when it came to gift buying she had yet to buy a single gift for anyone. So she decided to take Wanda and go gift shopping for their friends.

As they walked through the snowy streets of New York they talked about their mission for the day.

"So have you gotten any gifts yet Wanda?"

"I did the other day when I went with Pietro and Steve shopping."

"Okay so who do you still have to buy for?"

"Everyone but you."

Y/N laughed at her friend "Okay so this is going to be a long day."

They walked into the first store and began to rummage through the stock. Every few minutes one of the girls would pick something up trying to decide if it would fit one of their friends, sometimes asking the other for their opinion.

"So, Y/N, what is going on with you and Pietro?"

"Wow Wanda, I thought you of all people would know what's going on with us. Do you think he would like this sweater?" Y/N held up a dark blue cable knit sweater for Wanda to see.

"I am trying my best to stay out of it, and he would love anything you got him, but blue is his color."

"Thanks. So naturally you know everything."

"Well almost everything. What happened the other night in your room?"

"You know what I am sick of your questions about my love life. How about you? What's going on with you and The Vision?" She could see Wanda start to blush as she looked over a burgundy sweater similar to the one Y/N had for Pietro.

"I enjoy the company of his mind that is all. Would your father like this?"

"Don't get Dad anything, he has everything he could ever want and then some;if you really want to get him something get him a cheap, tacky tie.He won't ever wear it but he'll be super grateful that you thought about him and splurge on your birthday. We all do it, I can tell you right now that come the Christmas party he will open at least 9 tacky ties. Also you didn't answer my question. What is going on with you and The Vision?"

"I told you, I just enjoy his company.

"That's how it started with Pietro, I just enjoyed his company."

"So there is something going on with you and my brother?"

"No! That's not what I meant. I just meant that...UGH!"

"Answer my question please. What happened in your room that night? Pietro was very upset when he came home."

"Came home? You mean he left? Where had he been?"


"When did he get back."

"Very late, or early rather. He had been running all night I am guessing. Y/N please, tell me what happened?"

"We kissed again."

"You did? That is amazing!"

"No it isn't. I was playing a song for him, the song I'm playing for Dad and Pepper at the wedding, and when it was over we kissed. It felt like every nerve in my body was on fire, my heart was pounding for hard that he probably could hear it and I have never felt something so amazing in my life. The first time we kissed, it was so short that I hardly felt it before he was gone; but this time I got to feel every second of it. Then when we pulled away I asked if this meant he knew how he felt about me. He said no and I kicked him out of my room. I just kicked him out because I couldn't bare to look at him any longer knowing that I wanted him so badly and he doesn't want me.Then I felt guilty for kicking him out and now I feel worse because I hurt him enough to make him run all night long." Wanda came up and hugged her friend.

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