Chapter 11

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The moment we arrived at the church, I swept everything off the table so Daniel and Friend could lay Luke down. His shredded clothes were stained in thick red liquid. They pulled off his jacket and shirt inspecting his wounds before Friend began to clean them and stitch him up. Luke fell silent and I panicked, had he lost too much blood already?!

"L..Luke?" I hesitated before gently brushing his dark brown locks with my fingers. His pulse was weak and barely there, I felt so helpless and frustrated because I knew there was nothing I could do but sit and wait.

"He's just asleep, Albescu." Friend noted my behavior and tried to put me at ease.

"He's going to be ok though right?" My voice sounded annoyingly weaker than I liked. Was I really this shaken up by him being injured? Sure we were at least comrades, but comradery doesn't feel this intense, does it?

"Yes, as long as he doesn't stress his body, he'll heal up fine." Daniel placed his hand on my shoulder and a growl rumbled within me. He grimaced as he removed his hand, a question formed in his eyes. "Awfully defensive  aren't we?"

"I don't know you."

"So I'm guessing you know him well?" Daniel raised an eyebrow with a smirk as if he knew a dirty little secret. Heat crawled up to my face and I broke away from his gaze. "So it's Fay right?" He chuckled, dropping the matter entirely. I nodded, realizing my fingers were still buried in Luke's hair. "Just Fay?" He narrowed his eyes while my own copied with confusion.

"How did you know we were there?" I asked pulling my hand away from the sleeping man.

"When those wolves entered into Victor's territory, naturally, he was informed and sent out scouts. We were after them, tracking them, and you just happened to be there are well. Fate's design don't you think?" Daniel winked playfully, his watchful eyes carried something more than just innocent joking.

"Tell me Albescu, what is the daughter of the former Lord, doing among the hunters?" Friend asked washing his hands.

"Willam..." Daniel warned, his light-hearted manner dissolves completely.

"I'm just curious. I mean after all who wouldn't be? After learning there was suddenly an heiress who has sided with the enemy."

"Enemy?" What the hell was he talking about? Calling me the enemy when we had just finished taking care of intruders for them. "Luke is on the freaking table, unconscious and half-dead because we got caught up in a mess you all don't seem capable of handling by yourselves. If anything you should be thanking us instead of pinning insults."

"Why do you think they're here? Why do you think they've been trying to invade Victor's territory? No one is stupid enough to mess with him except for those idiots." William was seething as he stepped closer.

"Um I don't know, maybe because they see your pack as weak and unable to defend their territory?" I retorted, unfazed by the man's size. His brusque disposition matched his beast like size, but not a bone in me was intimidated.

"It's because your father abandoned his position-" Short as I was compared to the brute, I still managed to reach his face with a slap.

"I have nothing to do with that mongrel!" I snarled, "How dare you try to dump his actions on my shoulders. For all we know he could have dozens of children all over the place! Why don't you go find one of them to throw your blame at you pathetic son of a-"

"William!" Daniel grabbed the man's arm before he could attack me. William was breathing heavily, his eyes burning with yellow flames. "Fay, by now you have figured out that there is a divide among the wolves. When your father disappeared, we were left with no one to fill in his position. Those who were opposed to him before took this opportunity to try to gain power. They always believed that humans were below us and their plans were horrendous. Many of us didn't agree with them and chased them away, eventually they found allies elsewhere."

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