Chapter 36

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"Well this is an interesting twist!" Evelyn mused, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Those gray eyes of hers, I never liked how cold and calculating they were. "My instructions were simple, were they not?"

"It wasn't simple. I-"

"Have you fallen so low as to give excuses now?" She had no idea the buttons she was pushing...

"I'm not giving excuses, Evelyn." The growl rumbled from my chest. She tossed her head back, laughing at me like a giant would laugh at an angry pup.

"Look at you! One bite and you hop the fence! Who would have known that the wrathful Luke would defend his enemy so intensely."

"I am defending Fay. She's not the enemy, she never has been!"

"As I recall you were just itching for any excuse to kill her before she joined us."

"We both know she didn't really become one of you."

"One of us!" She snapped, momentarily losing her composure. "Don't think that just because you grew fur means you can defy my orders." There she was, the real Evelyn, her soulless eyes trying to intimidate me. I didn't see this side of her until after I was caught in her trap. I snarled and my hand closed around her throat, lifting her off the ground.

"You don't own me." I could feel him wanting control, wanting to extend my claws into her.

"Yes. I. Do! I could have left you for dead when they killed you brother!" Evelyn hissed through clenched teeth. "I spared your sorry ass!"

"Then this is me returning the favor." I tossed her back, wishing she would trip and look like the fool she was. But no, Evelyn always landed on her feet.

"Watch yourself, Fier." The woman's grin was menacing and unnatural. She may be human, but the aura she gives off when she shows her true colors is down right horrendous. And to think I followed her blindly all that time. Not once did I question her orders, that is, until Fay came into the picture. My phone rang before I could ask how she knew my name.

"Luke you have to come back to the pack house!" Shawn yelled.

"What's going on?" Those gray eyes watched intently, while her body relaxed against the alley wall.

"Fay's going through with the coronation that's what!"

"Coronation?" I still didn't understand.

"She's taking the Lord's title!" My phone nearly dropped from my hand. "Luke? Hello?!" Shawn sounded almost panicked; he had every right to at least be concerned but panicked..?

"Yea, I'm here. I'll be there soon. Just tell them to wait or something."

"You better hurry then, they're already beginning to make the preparations..." Click.

"Trouble in paradise?" Evelyn sneered. I only shot her a glare before backing out the way I came. If I learned anything from Evelyn it's that you never turn your back on your enemy. And she had definitely become one. "Oh relax, I still need you alive to carry out your mission. And you will obey my orders." She held up a necklace and my blood froze. "Right?" I took one step towards her, my claws and fangs already at the surface. She cocked her gun and aimed at my head. "Right." The woman grinned before  turning away. I could end her right then and there, but there were no doubts that she had company backing her up. Was the rest of the team in on this too? And why did she have Tony's necklace?

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