Chapter One

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[ ok, so I am going to be a good girlfriend and tell you all in advance that I wrote this.  Not that it would be too hard to guess really. but there you have it.  now WARNING this story has a lot of bad words and will involve only guys, so if that bothers you please don't read it. Also this first part is just a short teaser really, I have more and I will add it if you guys end up interested.  Thanks- May<3]

Chapter one

“The time is now,” Buck Howard stated.  He chanted this often, thought it would help his chances with the game.  Poker. Always poker.  Not the professional kind where you played for chips either.  It’s where play, anything goes.  These games were the ones you lost your house and car in, as well as the family funds.  Seedy people.  Always scum, don’t care about anything or anyone but themselves and their money. 

“Boy, where is my drink!?” Buck yelled.

Buck was taller than me and made of pure bulk, with excess collected around his middle giving him a beer gut.  His arms were the power house of his body.  That’s where he carried all of his muscle.  He wasn’t the strongest man, but he threw it around enough and knew how to use it.  He has ice blue eyes that always looked frigid, with greasy black hair.  A combination that always creeps me out.

It is in here getting put together, of course, it doesn’t just come magically made and ready to serve as soon as you want it.  Stupid man.  I have been here almost four years now, and I still can’t get over how ridiculous he is.

I brought over the drink and handed it over to him.  He’s not going to like it.

“What the fuck is this shit!?” Howard was angry and displeased, what’s new. “When have I ever wanted vodka with my drink?!”

I just stared at the floor as his hand reached up and whipped across my face.  I flinched a little.  Damn, I thought I was getting over it.  He doesn’t hit too hard, but he always does.  I can guess when it’s going to happen so I get ready for it.  Someday I’ll show no emotion like planned.

“Answer me!”

“We ran out of gin.” That happens you know, when you’re too cheap you only get one bottle at a time, but already have half the bottle gone by the time the game starts. 

“Get the fuck outta my site.” He slurred.

Fine with me, I turned and made my way back to where I came.

“Alright men, call!”



“Raise.” A deep voice calmly stated.

He sounds new.  I peeked around the corner.  The man the voice came from looked large.  Bigger then buck, but not fat.  He was wide in the shoulders; he’s sitting so I can only assume he is tall too.  His jaw is wide and filled with scruff.  Doesn’t worry about being well groomed I guess.  I can’t see his eyes, but his hair is dark brown in a crew cut.  Not too bad if you ask me. I definitely have not seen him around since I have been here.

“Raise? I’m outta chips man,” figuratively speaking that is. 

“What you got to bet with then because I’m raising?”

“Hmm,” Howard is pissed; he had hoped to win the whole pot before he ran out. “The boy then!”


He can’t mean it, can he? Buck must have the perfect hand. He’s  already said that he would never let me leave, likes me too much, my “incredible stupidity and all,” to let me leave over his dead body. That’s why I’ve stopped caring about being hit.  No point in hoping for freedom when it won’t happen.

“What’s his worth?” he deep voice replied.

“Aside from messing up drinks on occasion, he cooks, cleans, and can be anything he is needed for.” Buck stated lewdly. He’s down playing that a bit.  I do a lot the correct word is slave really, in all ways, which is how I know he wouldn’t bet me unless he had an almost unbeatable hand. 

“Done, show ‘em.”

Welp, might as well move to my next chore on the list because there is no point in wishing.

“Hate to break it to you man, but the cards read aces.  Three to be exact.” Howard sounded pretty cocky.  I knew it. I wonder how he expects to celebrate tonight, ugh. I couldn’t stop the small revolting of my stomach.

“Not so fast, Howard.” The deep voice man laid down his hand and I thought Buck’s head was gonna pop off. “Full House.”

I bet it will be another night of full service….wait… what?! Did he just…

“No Fucking way man, impossible!” He was fuming.

“Bet is a bet, you lot.” A brave man stated.

“Yeah man, own up. You know the rule of the game.” What rules?

“That’s the end of the game fellas own up to your bets.” The dealer was moving on to the next hot stop, I guess.

“Ugh, Fine!”  Buck threw is cards down and stormed off.

I was stunned, what do I do now? Am I really going with this stranger? Now?

I guess I’ll go pick up my few possessions before buck just tosses me out in his anger.

Upstairs in my closet of a room, literally I think it was made to be a closet.  Under a loosened bored is where I hide my only picture of my family, gone now, and the little bit of money I was able to save and hide from Howard before he found out.

Just as I was coming out, buck came into view. Great, I knew that look.  He was gonna beat me.  He shoved me back into the closet violently.  I hit the wall with a thud.  It’s the last one from him at least.  I kept my head down, trying not to make him more agitated.  I hope this new guy doesn’t hit.  I won’t hope too much though. 

“You son of a bitch, that fucking drink you forced on me made me lose!” He keeps getting closer.  When’s the next hit coming? His eyes look more violent then I have seen before.  Maybe he really meant over my dead body.  His hand circled around my neck.  Slowly tightening until it was hard to breath.  I closed my eyes knowing that this was a fitting end to my life.

“What do you think you are doing with my winnings?” Anger sounded in that deep voice.  He was so calm before.  I shivered; I guess he really gets possessive of his winnings.

I opened my eyes when Buck’s hand dropped.  What I saw was an odd site.  The deep voiced man was holding Buck by the shoulder in what looked to be a painful debilitating hold. 

He definitely was tall.

“Nothing man, I was just talking to my boy.  Letting him know what was going on, explaining is all.”

“My boy, and I hope so.” He sounded calm again.

He tossed Buck to the side and gave me an all consuming glance.

“You’ll do, I suppose.” The deep voice stated.

He motioned me forward, and then followed, or herded me out of the house.

I didn’t say a word as we got into his car.  I had no idea what to do or say.  Running didn’t seem to be an option.  The few times I had tried that with Buck had resulted in complete failure.  He never let me out of the house so I knew nothing of the surrounding area.  Once they caught up to me, Buck and his men, it always resulted in punishment. 

Then a show of power from Buck.

This man seemed to have more muscle and fierceness behind him than Buck or any of his men.  I didn’t want to chance making him angry. 

Wait. Buck’s gone.  It hit me with equal parts relief and fear.  All of the mental planning I have done, everything I trained myself not to react to is gone. I’ll have to start all over, and I have known idea what to expect.  That simple fact of the unknown scared me the most.

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