Chapter Seven

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[What do you think so far? Sorry it's soo short. More soon hopefully, if you all are liking it that is.]

Chapter Seven

Sold to the highest bidder?  I mean I knew that he had to have some kind of poor circumstances that lead to him being with Buck Howard, but I had no idea it was that bad. Forced against his will?

It's sad but part of me had hoped he was the one who chose to be a slave for whatever reason. Money, shelter, anything.

Knowing all he has been through just made my heart gravitate even more towards him. I wanted to help him back into the kindness of the world, and protect him from any of this happening again.

He looked so alone, lost.  I moved towards him and slowly brought my hand up to his cheek. Caressing it lightly I whispered, "Never again." and brought his lips to mine once more. It was just a light kiss, but his soft moan told me that was ok.  I didn't dare depen it this time, although it seemed he wanted me to when he followed after a little once I pulled away. 

We went our separate ways after that, off to sleep, Loki on the bed and I was once again on the couch. I couldn't stand being away from him right now, as weird as it seems I was growing very attached and protective after only a few days, but he really needed his space. For now. 

* * *

When I woke, I had this incredible sense of calm. Baring my soul to TK about my past was easier then I had expected. Now that it was off my chest I felt lighter.  Even with everything that had happened over the past four years and more if you count the foster care peiord.  I felt like I was floating, now in fact because before he left for work today, TK kissed me again lightly on the lips again promising to be home by five as usual. 

I was in the middle of cleaning the kitchen, and daydreaming about TK, when I heard something at the door. My first reaction was excitement. Had TK gotten off work early?  Maybe he had wanted to see me as badly as I wanted to see him?  I couldn't help the huge smile that crossed my face as my heart beat increase.  This excitement and giddyness was so unusual for me.  But I can gladly admit that I was really enjoying the feeling.

I was half way to the door when I froze, the smile gone. That wasn't a key in the door. It sounded like scratching, and someone was mumbling to another person outside the door.

Someone was breaking in.

When I realized what was happening I ran, trying to keep my feet from making too much noise. Going into the bedroom and scurried to the back of the closet. My heart was pounding for a different reason now.  I was trying to quiet my breathing, something I had learned before when I wanted to seem asleep. Not that it ever really made a difference.

There were footsteps in the living room and the voices were louder now, I could barely make the words out.

"Seems empty," someone said.

"Check everywhere, boss said he'd be here." Another said.

"What if they left together?" Came the reply.

"Nope the door dude said, 'Mr. Hammel left for work this morning' and he has never brought the little twit with him before."

They were looking for me.

They must be Bucks men. I don't recognize their voices, but then again most of them are off doing god knows what for him. So they didn't come to the house.  My breathing accelerated on its own as the footsteps moved into the bedroom. Oh shit!

"You check the bed, I'll check the bathroom."  

"Nothing in or under the bed." 

"Same here."

They’re coming here next I know it. I tried to bury myself further in, but I was pressed to the wall as it was. I saw the shadows under the door and squeezed my eyes closed. Please no. Just be invisible to them. 

The door swung open. My heart was pounding in my chest, how do I make it quieter, they are going to hear me.  At first they said nothing. Just scanning the closet I'm sure. I held my breath trying not to make a noise or move.  I don't think they've noticed me.

Then one of them chuckled. Then one of them grabbed me roughly by the arm and yanked me out of the clothes I was hiding behind. No.  

"NO!" I screamed struggling to get free.

I was kicking wildly.  I don't want to go back to him.  I don't want to leave TK.  One of them grabbed both my arms as I tried to strike out. Pinning them to my sides with little effort.  The other forced my face forward.

"Well, well, well, Buck would like a word with you, boy." They snarled, with that a cloth covered my face and blackness took over.

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