4 || Friend Request

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I was sitting in front on my laptop, staring at my screen intently. My Facebbok account displayed an image of Liam Martinez and I was having an internal fight with myself.

My cursor hovered upon the 'accept' option but then again I chickened out for the fifth time in the last 5 minutes.

It wasn't probably a difficult choice for most of the girls of my school. When Liam Martinez sent you a request, you ought to accept it. No ifs and buts.

But i wasn't like the most of the girls. The thing I was extremely sure of was that he wasn't seeking friendship. I listed down the reasons as to why he would even send me a request.

i came up with just two.

1) It was a bet.

2) He did recognize me from that site.

For all the years, since my high school life started, we had been in the same class. I had noticed him daily. It wasn't like he gave a person any other choice than to notice him when he was being his notorious self.

And now he noticed me, just because I was on a stupid site for some time. He probably thought of me as his next conquest or something.

Out of nowhere, a message popped up.

Liam : How long does it take to accept a request?

Very long....

Me : Why should I accept your request?

Why was I even replying? I should have blocked him the moment he called me, hell I should have blocked him the moment he saw me on that site. It was really stupid of me to wait for his reaction.

Liam : Because it's not everyday, a sexy bastard like me texts a girl like you ;)

Girl like me? What did he even mean by that? A girl ike me? Was he considering me a nobody or a wannabe slut? I wasn't very sure of that.

He probably thought of me as on of his fangirls who will strip naked on his one command. Oh no, I wasn't that girl!

Me : Cocky much?

Liam : Do you really want me to chase you?

I thought about that. Chase me ? Just what did he mean by that?

Me : ?

Liam : You know you are playing hard to get. Just acccept my request already :/

Me : I am not playing hard to get! Hell, I am not even trying to attract attention. It was you who called me and it was you who texted me. :/ I didn't ask you to.

The nerve of this stupid jerk! Why would I play hard to get? Hell no! I wasn't playing any game. Neither was I trying to attract any sought of attention.

Seconds ticked by before his reply came and I didn't know why but I was grabbing my sweater just above my heart tightly in anticipation.

Liam : Were you on Omegle yesterday?

He knew! I died.


i died too. i uploaded twice.

will ya give me votes? puhleezz *pouts*

anyways, this is about to get interesting .... :D

*hugs and kisses* (only to girls)


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