25 || Confessions

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I laid down in my bed staring at the roof of my room, it was proving to be more interesting than I thought it could be.

I didn't go to the party. I didn't want to. I was going off track by getting involved in all this shit anyways.

My phone ringed and I had a feeling that it was Liam. I picked it up and indeed it was him. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?

I thought of not picking up the call at all but decided against it for some reason that I was unaware of.

"Hello Veronica, I knew you wouldn't come" came his voice from the other end. I could hear loud music in the background amd instantly knew that he was there at the party.

"You know me so well then."

"I guess I do." There was some sought of disturbance in the line right after and I'm pretty sure I heard a girl scream. "Can you pick me up Veronica?"

"No." I didn't even think once before replying that.

"I expected that answer. Let me rephrase it, pick me up or I am gonna post that picture on fb."

"I am not scared anymore. Go right ahead. I don't care what you do with that damn picture and if you think you can intimidate me anymore into doing something as per your wish, think again." I kicked my blanket off me getting up, fed up with his stupid orders.

"Woah, that's a lot of anger. But why does it feel like they are just empty threats? You really don't want to test my patience Veronica. I really have none." The sound of the music faded away and it felt like he was out of that party.

"I am not even kidding anymore, I really don't care. It's just a picture, it's not like I was sitting nude. Go right ahead and post it and see if anyone gives a fuck."

"Okay then, they are going on the internet. Don't cry later that I didn't warn you." My anger boiled at his statement.

"You are a conceited asshole, you really deserve nothing. And you know what has been the biggest mistake of my life? I have kissed you. Your fucking Saliva has entered my mouth and I need some holy water to get the horrible taste out of my mouth. You do whatever you want with that picture, I don't give a fuck.
Oh and one more thing, FUCK YOU!" With that said, I hanged up.

Two seconds later, my phone started ringing again. I didn't pick up.

It ringed again and again and again.

Finally fed up with it, I picked up and was ready to shout, when he uttered those words.

"Veronica, I love you."

Any prudent human being would have replied with some sensible answer asking him to fuck off but I wasn't really that sensible, fuck sensible, I was stupid.

"Putana!" Using all of my Spanish  language's knowledge, I came up with that beautiful words before hanging up.


If you have no idea what that last phrase means, the Spanish out there will surely help you. I learnt that phrase last night when my cousin was teaching me some stuff and well, I still don't know how to pronounce it correctly but hopefully I have spelled it correctly.

With love,
FastAndDeep 😉

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