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21st September 2015

Jeonghan slowly opened his eyes. He was lying on the bed in his dorm room, half the sheets dangling off the bed. The light coming from the window of the dorm instantly blinded him and he turned on his bed away from it, groaning. Today was the first day of classes and he was not looking forward to it.

He pulled back the covers and sat up, scratching the back of his head. He looked around the room, bleary eyed, taking in the small desk for his schoolwork, the chest of drawers, the wardrobe and the large full length mirror, all scattered around the room. For a moment, he had completely forgot about the person on the other side of the dorm but the sounds of crashing from the kitchen brought him back to reality.

"Choi Seungcheol." He said his name and grimaced. "This is going to be a nightmare."

Jeonghan got out of the bed and yawned loudly. He wandered over to the full length mirror and looked at his tired self. His hair was loose and a mess on his head and his oversized t-shirt was slipping off his shoulder, making him look disheveled. He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling at the knots before grabbing a hairbrush from his desk and smoothing it out completely. He took off the hair tie around his wrist and tied his hair back, letting some of the hair loose. He grabbed a casual long t-shirt and jeans and put them on quickly.

He took a deep breath and considered his options.

The first, and the easiest, would be to completely ignore his roommate and let things between them stay tense. It went without saying that Jeonghan resented Seungcheol from the first time he saw him. It was well known that Choi Seungcheol was spoiled rotten from the day he was born, never having to work for anything or never having earned anything fairly. It made Jeonghan, who had worked harder than he had ever worked in is life to be here, extremely angry.

On the other hand, he needed to be on good terms with Seungcheol's father. Which meant being nice to his beloved son.

Jeonghan pinched the bridge of his nose and took several deep breaths. The crashing got louder from the kitchen and he decided it would be a good idea to intervene.

He opened the door to his bedroom to see Seungcheol exactly where he thought he was, in the kitchen which was in the main room with the TV, a table for eating and a sofa. It was a tiny place but enough for two people.

Seungcheol was already dressed but he clearly hadn't bothered to brush his hair as it was a mess about his head. He was peering into the microwave on one of the counters next to the stove and fridge, looking incredibly confused. A few tins of something lay on the floor which explained the crashing. Jeonghan rolled his eyes, already feeling the spark of annoyance at his clear incompetence.

"You realise you have to plug it in, right?" Jeonghan said loudly.

Seungcheol jumped back, whipping his head around to look at Jeonghan. His expression instantly become guarded.

"Why are you talking to me?" Seungcheol said sharply, turning his attention back to the microwave. He pushed the switch on the socket that lay on the wall and the microwave came to life.

"Because you are clearly struggling. With a microwave." Jeonghan added, shoving a hand into his jean's pocket.

"I know what I'm doing. Get lost." Seungcheol continued to mess around with the microwave but didn't make any progress to what he was doing.

Jeonghan sighed. "Look, let me help you out."

Before Seungcheol could protest, Jeonghan strode over and lightly pushed him out of the way. He turned the microwave on and started it up within a second.

Days : JeongcheolOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant