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23rd September 2015

Jeonghan lay on his bed, having woken up ridiculously early. He stared up at the ceiling and all he could think about was the previous day's events, the fight and Seungcheol's broken expression.

Jeonghan sighed in annoyance and rubbed at his eyes. He didn't want to feel sorry for the rich kid, there was no reason too.

"He's just an idiot who gets himself into stupid situations." Jeonghan muttered to himself.

But no matter how many times he told himself this, he just couldn't believe it.

He sat up. His blond hair was loose and a mess about his head, like a bird's nest. He smoothed it down and pulled it back with his hand, to keep it out of his face. He stared into the blackness of his room and remembered what Seungcheol's father had told him the day before...

22nd September 2015

Jeonghan felt good. He had had a productive day of classes and a fun time with Saeyoung, which usually consisted of them both making up life stories for people who walked past them as they ate their lunch in the gardens. The small hiccup with Seungcheol during his lunch shift barely made a dentist in his good mood.

He was walking back the to dorms, a smile on his face, when a familiar voice called out to him.

"Jeonghan my boy!" The voice boomed. Jeonghan turned around and saw Seungcheol's father walking briskly toward him. He immediately bowed and felt nervous as he approached.

Jeonghan straightened up. "Hello sir." He said.

"How have your classes been? I've heard wonderful things from your tutors." Seungcheol's father said.

"They've been well sir, I've enjoyed them." Jeonghan replied.

"Well, of course you have! Anyone with your intelligence would just breeze through these courses." He beamed at him and Jeonghan forced a smile back.

"Thank you sir." He mumbled.

His smile faded. "You're very welcome," his voice suddenly lost the peppy tone and he became solemn. "Listen here," he leaned in a little closer to Jeonghan, his expression trusting and a little nervous. "I've been hearing rumours of a big party... one this weekend, I believe."

Jeonghan nodded slowly. He had been thinking about that party too, a way to have some fun before the real cramming sessions begin. He had even invited Wonwoo in an attempt to make the party a little more fun and interesting by having people he actually knew attend. He and Saeyoung had already planned the fun they would have there, which mostly involved pranking drunk people.

"Yes sir," Jeonghan said. "I know about that, everyone's been talking about it."

"Are you going?"

"Yes sir."

He nodded. He looked Jeonghan in the eye, his expression serious. "I want you to do something for me."

"What is it sir?"

"Make sure that Seungcheol doesn't go. He's already getting into trouble with the kids here and going to a party will only cause more trouble for him. Ever since his mother left he's been... well, unpredictable."


He sounded bitter but Jeonghan realised he must not know about what happened to Seungcheol in the alleyway, otherwise he would definitely be more concerned or angry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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