Chapter Fourteen

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"I swear I'll kill you, MacKenzie. Slowly. And the woman will watch. Then I'll take her to wife and spread those virgin thighs. Before the year is out, she'll have borne me a son and all who bear your name will be dead. This I vow."

Caitlin sucked in a breath, feeling like she'd been struck with a hammer. In the background, the MacKenzies hollered in outrage, but the sound was muffled by her racing heart. If Darach or the clan should come to harm because of her, she would never forgive herself. Why wouldn't Fraser leave? He'd get his gold back. Surely it couldn't be because of her?

She saw the answer in his burning, possessive gaze. He'd paid for her, he owned her, and he'd kill anyone who got in his way.

Afraid she might disgrace herself by fainting, she breathed deeply. Lachlan's arm wrapped around her.

"And I vow this," Darach said, voice just as deadly. "You leave my land living for the last time. When next we meet, I will cleave your body in two and feed your guts to the pigs. Your clan will be cleansed of filth and depravity and left to honest men and women." He took Caitlin's hand. "You threaten me and mine for the last time. With the King's man as witness, our truce is broken. Leave while you still can."

Fraser stepped toward the dais, his eyes feral. The dogs lunged at him, and he lunged back. Caitlin knew she witnessed madness.

"Shall I call the dogs off?" Darach asked. "We can finish this now. Man to monster. I will give you your sword and we can fight to the death. I'll even grant you an advantage."

She clutched Darach's arm. "Surely he has some treachery planned!"

"Aye. No doubt."

Fraser snickered, and her fear turned to panic. "Wait!" she cried out.

The breath rushed in and out of her lungs as she met their stares. "I do not merit this fight. Verily, I'm a worthless woman. I am disobedient and careless. I have no skills, no attractive qualities. I would make a terrible wife."

Fraser sneered up at her. "It takes no skill to part your legs. Your maiden blood is all that's required."

Darach's hand almost crushed hers before he vaulted to the floor and landed beside the dogs whose growls had turned savage. She tried to go after him, but Lachlan held her back.

Sweet mercy, Darach was going to challenge Fraser and die. He had no weapon and Fraser had the Devil on his side.

"There willna be blood. I am not a maid!" she yelled.

Darach stopped.

"You lie!" Fraser snarled.

"Nay. I swear, I'm a harlot of the worst kind. I carry a bairn in me right now. I'm not good enough to be your wife. Ride away and count yourself fortunate."

Darach glared at her. "Caitlin. You. Will. Hush." Then he held out his hand to one of his warriors who rushed forward with the biggest sword Caitlin had ever seen and placed it in his grip.

He pointed it at Fraser's throat. "Leave now or I'll take your head."

Lips drawn back from his teeth, Fraser appeared as bestial as Hati and Skoll. "This isna over," he growled, then spat on the floor and stalked from the hall.

Darach signaled a number of his warriors to follow. Tipping the sword down, he leaned on it, knuckles white as he gripped the hilt. She wanted to go to him, but Lachlan tightened his grip.

Everyone watched Darach. When he finally straightened and reached out a hand to calm the dogs, a collective sigh went around the room. His gaze found hers, and her heart stuttered. He did not look pleased, mouth drawn in a tight line, jaw clenched.

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