Chapter Seventeen

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"Give them to me."

Edina tugged the bed linens from Caitlin who let go reluctantly. An embarrassed flush heated her cheeks. "I only thought to wash them. I bled last night." She whispered even though no one else was in the chamber.

Bundling the sheets, Edina nodded. "Of course you did. 'Tis your maiden blood, a sign of your virtue. Our Laird will be pleased."

A lump formed in Caitlin's throat at the mention of her husband, and she blinked back the tears that had threatened to fall ever since she'd woken this morning in their marriage bed – alone. She knew she was being foolish, but she couldn't help it.

"Did you see him earlier?" she asked.

"Aye, he and Laird MacKay went to the loch hours ago. Now come and have your bath before the water cools."

Caitlin seldom slept late, but when she'd first stirred and found him gone, all her doubts had resurfaced, and she'd pulled up the covers, hoping he'd come find her. Reassure her.

He hadn't.

What if she'd done something wrong, turned him off with her lusty behavior?

Well...if she had, it was his fault. Maybe if he'd instructed her on what to expect, she mightn't have been Aye, he was negligent in his duty as her husband.

Feeling better, she wound up her hair, dropped her chemise, and stepped into the lavender-scented water. It stung at first, but the heat soon worked its magic. With a sigh, she lay back and closed her eyes. The waves reminded her of his hands stroking her skin. Her breasts tightened, grew heavy. His weight on her had been exciting, too, and she clasped her hands against her belly where he'd pressed her down.

"I'll return to help you dress as soon as I've served the Laird his noon meal. I willna be long."

Caitlin sat forward with a squeak, sloshing water over the tub's edge. She'd forgotten Edina was here.

Her gaze fell on the door swinging shut behind the housekeeper, and she almost ran to lock it...although perhaps it would be better if she threw it open and yelled for Darach to come find her, comfort her.

Preferably in bed with his arms around her

Groaning, she dropped her head in her hands. Maybe she should crawl back under the covers for the rest of the day.

Nay. She was a Lady now, she had to act like one. Donning her best gown, she brushed her hair and walked in a dignified manner out the door. At the end of the corridor, however, she lost her courage and peeped around the corner to see if she could spot Darach in the hall below.

"Are we spying on someone?"

The words were whispered in her ear and she shrieked and spun around. Darach pulled her close so she didn't tumble down the stairs. "Are you well, lass? Maybe we should go back to bed. The corridor is drafty. I'll warm you in no time." His hands slid down her back to cup her bottom.

"To comfort me?"

"Aye. I'll make you verra comfortable."

"Darach! Get down here," Lachlan bellowed at them from below.

With a muttered curse, Darach glanced past her shoulder. "Why must you yell like a bloody fishwife?"

"Because otherwise you'd be heading back to bed, and I'd be left to deal with MacInnes on my own." He smiled at Caitlin who'd turned to face him. "Morning, lass. Did you sleep well?"