Chapter 3

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Cooper's POV:

Waking up was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.

With only a couple hours of sleep I felt like screaming when the alram went off for me to get up and get ready for school. I Somehow managed to drag myself from my warm bed and striped off my clothes. I took a deep breathe and ran full speed into the shower which I had turned onto cold.

The freezing drops hit my skin like little needles and I shivered uncontrollably. I forced myself to stay under the spray.

After a minute the water slowly started to warm and I sighed in relief. I quickly washed my body and hair and jumped out to get ready. Rummaging through my closet I grabbed a pair of jeans and a random t-shirt before running the towel over my hair for a quick dry.

School started at 7:15, so I didnt have time to grab a bit to eat. I grabbed an apple and shoved it in my bag for lunch and headed off to school. I shivered at the cold Californian wind. You would think California would be hot. Nope. It's really cold in the winter from where Im from and ok heat in the summer.

When I finally reached the school I walked to my locker and grabbed my books for first period. I ignored the glares and comments from the jocks and the giggles and stalkerish smiles from the fan girls. (Go fan girls!)

The bell soon rang and I walked to my math class and took my seat next to Jesse. We only had 2 classes together, math and health. As soon as I sat down the questions started.

"How was the meeting with Mr. Sexy?"
"Did you get into trouble?"
"Why didnt you text me back?"
"Did you make a move?"

Before he could ask another question my hand covered his mouth. He immediately shut up and started bouncing in his chair with his eyes burning with curiousity. I was about to tell him nothing happen between us and to leave it alone but my eyes caught hold of his neck.

Dime sized bruises dotted his neck on either side and when I leaned in closer to see what they were I noticed a fist sized bruise poorly covered with face makeup on his cheek. My eyes widened at the sight.

"What the hell happened to you?"

He looked at me in confusion before realization dawned on his face and he went pale.

"It's-it's uh no-nothing. I-uh fell and-uh hit my face against the ground."

"Then how the hell did you get the...."

"Just leave it ok? That's what happened."


Before I could question it further the teacher drew our attention. I let the matter go. For now. But I wasnt convinced that it was just an accident. This is the tenth time I've seen marks like this on his body and even Jesse wasnt that clumsy.

I vowed to find out the truth.

After class Jesse made some excuse about needing to go get some books from his locker before he took off in another direction. I sighed. Something was wrong with him and I hated knwoing he wouldnt tell me.

The day went by fast and before I knew it, it was health. I really didnt want to face Mr. S right now after what happened, or almost happened, yesterday after school. I was beat tired and had been fighting my heavy eye lids all day.

At lunch Jesse had avoided me and I had sit alone at the lunch table finishing up some science homework I hadnt done and taking a quick nap. Instead of helping my sleepiness, the nap had made me even more tired.

I walked into class and sat in my chair as Mr. S started the class. My eye lids dropped and I fought to stay awak, but I couldn't help the wave of exhaustion that overtook me. I was fighting a loosing battle and I finally let the darkness consume me.

Hunter's POV:

I almost yelled in excitement as I saw my little Cooper shut his eyes and drift to sleep. Poor guy was probably exhausted, but I wouldnt let this oppertunity pass me by. I stopped my speech about the human body to slowly make my way to the back of the class and to my mate.

The whole class went silent as they watched my actions. Some of the kids looked over towards him in pity. Most of them giggled, knowing someone was gonna get in trouble.

When I was finally standing over him I nearly groaned. God, he was beautiful when he slept. So peaceful and serene without a care in the world. He wasnt tense and stressed and I wished to see him like this everyday. Relaxed.

I was planning on just calling his name until he woke up, but my wolf won over. Needing to touch him. I placed my hands lightly on his shoulders and I had to hold in a growl.

Little electric shocks shot through my body, pleasure coursing through me. My wolf howled and whined for more.

Mine. Claim him! Now!

I immediately got hard and I had to plant my feet hard into the ground to keep from doing just what my wolf wanted. To take him right here in front of everyone. To show everyone he was mine and id kill anyone who came near him. To bend him over my desk and...

I moaned softly as I shook off my thoughts before I did something we would both regret. In time, I thought. In time he will be all mine.

I shook his shoulders and began calling his name. After a few shakes, he moaned in annoyance and tried to shake me off. I smiled and shook a little harder, wanting to see my mate's beautiful hazel eyes.

He finally sat up tiredly and stretched his long body out as he looked around him in confusion. I cleared my throat and his eyes moved to me before he blushed profusely.

Awww, he looks so cute when his cheeks go pink. I wanted to spend hours just kissing and licking his sexy body while seeing that adorable flush spot his cheeks....

His words snapped me out of my daydream.

"Oh my gosh, Im sooo sorry. I didnt mean to fall asleep, Mr. S. Im sorry!"

I felt bad for the guy because he really did sound sorry, but I quickly shook it off. I needed to get him alone with me and there was only one way to do that.


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