Chapter 18

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Cooper's POV:

I can't believe I'm nervous. He's just a guy, I'm just a guy, and this is just a date. Simple. Nothing to be nervous about.

Except for the fact that he's a super hot alpha werewolf who happens to be my mate and this is our first date which may end in a happy moment. Damn.

I tugged at the collar of my shirt and started pacing across the living room. My stomach was filled with butterflies and my mind raced with all the possibilities on how this date could go wrong.

Where the hell was he? He said 6!

I looked at the clock on the wall. 6:08. He ditched me! I huffed and turned on my heels to go to the kitchen and stuff my face with comfort food, but stopped.

Damn my mate is fine.

Hunter stood leaning against the wall casually like he had all the time in the world. His eyes were dancing with pleasure and I took my time examining him from afar. He had on a black button up shirt similar to mine, but, in my opinion, he looked way better in it. He had on a pair of simple jeans and fancy shoes, and an open smile. Jackpot.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I am going to say skip the date, and just take you upstairs for dessert." His voice held amusment, but I heard the bit of promise in it.

"Oh no you don't. You promised me a date, and that's where we are going."

"We could always do the date another time." He winked at me and started to stalk towards me.

I shook my head and tossed him my jacket. He caught it swiftly and I drifted past him towards the door.

"Come along, darling. You owe me a night of romancing."

He followed me towards the door like a lost puppy.


The stubborn ass wouldn't tell me where he was taking me.

I sat in the passenger seat of Hunter's mustang pouting. I hated surprises and he knew it. It was 20 minutes into the car ride and I had tried everything. I had begged, demanded, courced, and seduced him trying to figure out where we were going, but he wouldn't give it up.

I had even tried subtely sliding my hand up his leg while he was driving while scooting as close to him as my chair allowed to get him to spill the location. Nothing. He just groaned a little and threatened to pull over and take care of my 'wandering hands'. Ass.

Now I was trying a new tactic. I ignored him completely and dropped my lip in a pout while staring out the window. He's getting the silent treatment now.

"Babe, you are going to be like that?"

I ignored him.

"You know this is childish. Even Jeremy doesn't pout to get what he wants."

Just ignore him, Coop.

"You do look kind of adorable with your lower lip sticking out."

Not listening.

"I love your mouth, baby cakes. Really sexy. I have so many fantasies of your mouth and my body."


"Hey, hunny. Guess what?"

Ugh. "WHAT?"

"We're here."


I leaped out of my seat and straight out of the car, looking around in excitement. I frowned. A forest? He took me to a forest.

Before I could ask him anything, I felt his arms wrap around me from behind and I felt his deep chuckle against my back.

"I bet you're wondering where we are."

"Just a little bit."

"Well I thought about taking you to a nice, fancy restaurant, but I wanted to be a little more heartfelt. Since I'm a werewolf, the forest is a big part of who I am. I spend a lot of time in wolf form, running and exploring these woods. I wanted to share it with you. What do you think, babe?"

I looked at it in amazement. I didn't know something as random as a forest could mean so much to a man. I pictured Hunter's beautiful, majestic wolf jogging and prancing happily through the trees and a smile touched my lips. I tilted my head back and looked into his vulnerable eyes.

"It's a little bit cliche, don't you think?" I asked teasingly.

His cheeks turned crimson, and I stood shocked for a second. Hunter just blushed. I had actually just embarassed my badass alpha mate. Victory!

"Well... I uh... uhm... you know..."

I reached up and pulled his head down towards mine for a kiss, stopping his flustered speech. He immediately kissed me back, but after a few seconds I pulled back. I looked into his eyes and let my love for him show.

"I love cliche, Hunter."

He smiled down at me and I pulled out of his arms to motion towards the dark woods.

"Lead the way, sweet cheeks."


"Aww! You made me a picnic?" I jumped up and down and clapped repeatedly before flinging myself at my sweetheart of a mate. I peppered kisses all over his face and clung to his side. He was shocked at first, but chuckled and held me close to him, supporting my weight.

When I was down, I squirmed away from him and launched myself onto the red checkered blanket covering the forest floor.

I bounced up and down in my seat and patted the spot next to me impatiently, motioning for Hunter to sit down. My hyper attitude was surfacing, but I didn't care. My mate was the best!

Hunter sat down and started pulling food, plates, and utensils out of a generic picnic basket. He set our place settings and started opening food containers. My eyes widened at the buffet in front of me, and my stomach growled in appreciation.

Ribs, steak, fish, hamburgers, and a variety of vegetables littered the blanket. There was no way we could eat all of this food. I looked at Hunter and he smiled.

"Dig in, babe."

For once in our relationship, I listened to him.


"I hate you so much." I groaned as I flopped back onto the blanket.

I felt like a beached whale as I stared up at the darkening sky above me. My stomach was so full that I knew moving was not an option. Hunter's face obstructed my vision as he leaned over me smiling. He chuckled when I glared at him and he patted my stomach softly.

"You don't hate me, you're just grumpy. You secretly love me, but it's okay. You don't have to admit it."

"Why would you make me eat that much? I hate you."

"I didn't force you to eat it. Plus, as I recall, I did tell you to slow down and not eat so much, didn't I?"

Jerk was right. He did tell me that.

I just glared at him. He started rubbing my full tummy and softly kissed me on the lips. I sighed in content. Today was a good day.

He layed down and pulled me over his chest. I cuddled up to his side and just lay there happily. There was no lust or seduction in the way we held eachother. Only love.

As I leaned up to kiss him, rain started sprinkling down over our bodies. We didn't care. We had eachother and that was all that mattered.

In the distance, the click of thunder was barely heard amoungst our ears.


I know you love me ^_^ I hope you liked the date. It wasn't that long, but I did write it! :D Cooper is secretly a closeted hyper freak! YOU LOVE HIM!

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Peace, Love, Hyperness <3

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