Chapter 12

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So I found out that Ryot and Asher got into it the other day. Nobody told me what happened, they did say don't bring it up though.

But I found out what happened to Cat. Somebody decided it would be funny to mess with the treadmill when she took a jog. Her ankle is pretty messed up, so she's on crutches. Iris said if she found out who did it she was going to make sure it's worse for them.

Iris did somehow manage to become friends with Sabina. They seem like they would be the ones to be friends. Both bold in their own way. Especially towards me.

Me and Nalani went out to get some dip awhile ago, but we decided just to eat it in the parking lot. She looked sad almost, but I'm not sure about what.

"What's wrong?"

She tried to smile, but she knew I wasn't easily fooled. "My roommate is bumming me out. One of the girls that died was her sister and she keeps expecting her to call."

I looked at her some more and got the message she was too afraid to say. She was afraid something could happen to me or her. We never had a chance to really talk to victims families, so this was a first.

"I'm not going anywhere and I'd be sure to follow you wherever you go."

She pulled me into a tight hug and got out the car. I brought the dip inside and headed to my room.

I've been trying to avoid Katia all day. She refused to apologize, because she did not do anything wrong. Ryot was the one who came onto her and she was defenseless. Her small figure couldn't stand a chance against him. Katia's bullshit answer only made me wish I could get arrested.

When I came into my room it was empty. Well on second thought it wasn't. She was in the bathroom puking. I tried to slowly back out but-

"Hello? Aeron?"

I huffed and went to open the door and she was a mess. A complete and utter mess. Her hair was in a mess sticking up and knotted in some areas, makeup was smeared and her uniform dress was ripped.

"What happened," I said slowly walking around the puddle of vomit. She was crying so hard she couldn't answer the question. I knelt next to her and tried again. "Katia, what happened? Why is your dress ripped up?"

She sniffed and threw up again. "We went to a little party, Sabina and I. It was for one of those geek parties for a club in a classroom. Her boyfriend is on the debate team. Well they got in a fight, like a serious fight. I tried to help her, but I couldn't... He almost killed her, Aeron. Seriously. He pushed her and she smack her head in the corner of the teacher's desk really hard. She's in the hospital now."

She said something like that. I couldn't really tell through all the sobs. But that still didn't exactly answer why her dress was ripped. I wasn't going to push the case, she's way to raw right now to think straight. So I just sat there trying my best to comfort her.

After an hour she fell asleep and I had to carry her back, sadly. She was going to be hurting in the morning. Throat and eyes just raw and her stomach empty. So I gently put a cold towel over her eyes while she slept. It's a good thing it's about to be the weekend or else I'd probably have to drag her to class.

*Knock, knock*

I groggily got up off my bed and peeped out the peephole. Unfortunately it was covered. Slowly, I open the door to find Asher standing there.

He was standing there in his uniform still, with his hands in his pockets. I hate that we have to wear these blue- gold preppy mess. It makes me feel like I should be in Legally Blonde or Hogwarts.

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