Chapter 16

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"Ms. Shades!"

I grumbled pulling my pillow over my head. This dean must really love me seeing as how he keeps banging on my door. He keeps coming here and complaining about something new each time. Like what could I have done now because it's 6 in the morning.

A pillow hit me and I tucked under my covers more. "Aeron, door," Katia mumbled in her arm. When I didn't move and the knocking got louder she threw another. "Hey, Aeron. Hey hey, Aeron. Hey, Aeron. Aeron. Hey hello, Aeron."

I threw the covers back and went to answer the door. I pinched the bridge of my nose and stared at the man. He looked upset about whatever like the usual except this time he was tapping his foot in annoyance.

"Can you explain to me what this is," he said holding out a piece of paper with my name at the top.

It was my schedule I was first given but with my notes on it on what I planned to do. But they were supposed to be in my room. Unless I let Ryot borrow it. And I did. Great. This game of how long can Aeron stay in the program is not looking great.

Instead of answering his question I took it, folded it and stuffed it in my bra. "Personal belongings. I have a question too. I honestly mean no disrespect and I'm sorry if it may come out wrong, but what do you think you'll gain by coming to me everyday or so with some little nuisance. I understand there are killings going on here, so I believe I should be the least of your concerns. Does that make sense to you because I thought it did to me?"

"It does. But that did not answer my question."

I yawned and nodded. "I know. Personal paraphernalia," I said closing the door.

I waited until I heard him leaving before going back to my bed. My head hit the pillow for two seconds when it was followed with someone else knocking. Can't I just sleep in like Katia. I don't want to do things today. I just wanna wrap myself in my covers and drink tea and watch movies all day. Is that too much to ask for?

Katia threw another pillow my way and went to answer the door. Ryot came in and stood right behind me. I could feel his body heat and his confused stare. Confused because I was barely on my bed. My head is there and that's all that matters at this point.

"Princess, what's going on here? Why aren't you dress?" He lifted my arms to get me to start moving, but my legs were mush. "Seriously get up, we have to go."

"Can't I just sleep here, is that too much to ask?"

He huffed and put me down on my bed and went over to get my clothes from my drawers. He looked at me sternly and gave them to me. I pouted but took the stupid clothes and put them on. Wasn't feeling the whole moving and common courtesy, so I put them on right there and laid back down.

Ryot shook his head and went to get my shoes and put them on me while I laid there. Once I was all dressed for the day he lifted me up and dragged me out my room. I was way to tired to function and I don't feel like doing this little activity today.

Sanders told us we're having a battle against the houses so we're going out to a paintball arena. He said it's a bonding experiment, but I think it's more of a payback for all the hate we get.

"I'm not going to keep dragging you," Ryot said finally.

"You don't have to I'll just sleep on the floor."

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