New house, new room, new secrets...

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Just imagine the bird is black and red.

For some odd reason I felt the need to run into his arms, but I knew better, he was practically a stranger.

When I didn't show any emotion to him everyone look at me wierdly.

"What?", I asked.

" I'm your mate, usually it's love at first sight. We were made for each other, the moon goddess chose us.", Andrew responded.

"Ok, number 1, I'm not 'normal', honey, number two I'm badass and I don't lesson to anyone but my brother, and third if you want me you got to earn me, and right now I'm not interested."

And with that I walked away, I ran back to my house to see it had transformed into a castle. "Wow", is all that I could say.

After asking MANY people where my room is I finally found it. I opened my door to see...

Black and royal blue walls. With a queen sized be off to the side with black and blue sheets. I had blue curtains and carpet. With black couches and chairs in a corner.

I had at least 12 book shelves. Hey, what can I say I'm bad on the outside but a total geek inside! Time to fan girl! Right before I could grab a Harry Potter book a book caught my eye, it's on werewolves. I could learn more about what I am I guess...  When I tried to take it off the shelf something clicked behind the bookshelf, on instinct stepped back. That was close, if I didn't step back I think I could safely say I would be royal gloop on the ground.

Shaking the shivers off I decided to explore the secret room. I walked in feeling for the on switch, when I found it I pushed it. And when those lights came on heaven was in front of me. There was a flat screen 75 inch tv on the wall. How does it even stay on the wall. Shaking the questions off I walked around more, there were some gaming consoles and bean bag chairs. I found another door and I saw a bunch of spy equipment, ohhhh! And a mini fridge stocked to the brim with my favorite snacks and drinks.

There was another bedroom like my other one but this one was red and black.

I heard something moving and whimpering in the corner. I cautiously walked over, ready for anything to see a beautiful red and black feathered bird. I have never seen anything like this, when...

Hope to post soon sorry updates are kinda slow, I am working on 3 stories at once... So yeah it's stressful and at school we're doing a history fair. I appreciate your patience!😇

Wait I am a werewolf... And HE'S my mate?!Where stories live. Discover now