Sleep's for wimps

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Chapter Twenty-Three


"Rob stop it, we need to write this." I complained as said offender kissed my neck from behind, he was leaning over me as I sat at my desk, hair piled on top of my head in messy bun leaving my neck exposed.

He laughs against my skin, "We have plenty of time."

"It's due tomorrow." I argue, but my resolve is slipping as he moves up to my ear.

"We have like eighteen hours." His words vibrate just below my ear and I bite my lip in frustration.

"Seventeen and a half actually. And I'd like to sleep at some point too."

"Sleep's for wimps." Rob announces, standing straight, and grabbing my chair, spinning it to face him. With him standing in front of me, jeans and a Green Day t-shirt, it's hard to remember why I'm resisting him.

"Once it's written, we have all the time in the world."

Rob groans and combs a hand through his hair, "How many words have we got?"

I spin back around to look, "Four."

"How many do we need?"

"Two hundred and fifty."

Pulling over the other chair, Rob throws himself down and slumps over next to me, one hand supporting his chin. Dark hair falls to just above his eyes as he looks up at me, his brown eyes twinkle with mischief.

"So what do they want us to say?"

I shrug, "Just like, what we thought of the programme, what we did, whether it helped, if we think they should do it again with more people, that kind of thing."

"So they want us to be honest? Want us to talk about all that kissing we did? Tell them exactly how you helped me?"

A blush creeps up my neck and cheeks and Rob chuckles, brushing the hair off of my face he smiles. "I'll take that as a no, let's save that for us."

As if to prove his point he pulls me in, its's far too easy to get wrapped in him and having the willpower to resist is difficult. I pull away and immediately regret it, my insides screaming to go back to him.

"That's not gonna help." I tell him, and he pouts. It's so adorable I almost kiss him again.

Must resist, must resist.

Robs opens his mouth to reply but is interrupted by the front door slamming downstairs and frowns, "I thought your parents were away somewhere?"

"They're supposed to be." I shrug, what my parents do is none of my business and most of the time they keep me out of it.

We hear shouting coming from downstairs but it's muffled, the voices of my parents travelling up the stairs. This isn't exactly a rarity; my parents are one of those couples that love to argue - they even argue when they're agreeing.

Somewhere in the noise I recognise my name, clearly their argument has something to do with me. Deciding that it's time to get involved, I stand up and leave Rob in my room to go investigate. My parents are stood in the hall, my mum's back to me.

"Michel, we need to tell her, the others know."

Now even more curious I decide to make my presence known, "What's going on?"

My dad was the first to react, he looked at my with a small smile. "Hey Olly, is Rob here? Want some of my famous hot chocolate?"

"Er, yeah sure, he's upstairs. What's going on?"

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